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1680 ציון
     1. n. landmarktsiyún
     2. n. note
     3. n. marking
     4. n. A grade, a mark: a measure of a student's performance.
1681 ארגון
     1. n. organizationirgún
     2. n. planning, method
     3. n. argon (chemical element)argón
1682 וולט
     1. n. volt (unit of measure)volt
1683 מור
     1. n. myrrhmór
1684 דיבורים
     1. n. plural of דיבורdiburím
1685 פרסי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=פַּרְסִי, tr=par'sí)
     2. adj. Persian: of or pertaining to Persia, its people, or their language.
     3. n. Persian: a Persian person.par'sí
1686 ישב
     1. v. to sit, to be in a position with the torso upright and the legs supportedyasháv
     2. v. to sit, to move into such a position
     3. v. to settle, to establish a residence
     4. v. he-wv, tr=yashóv, יָשֹׁב infinitive of יָשַׁב (yashóv)
     5. v. (יֵשֵׁב, yeshév) third-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of יָשַׁב
1687 חתולים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of חָתוּל (khatúl): cats.khatulím
1688 לילות
     1. n. plural of לַיְלָהleilót
1689 יורדים
     1. v. masculine plural present participle and present tense of יָרַד (yarád).yordím
     2. n. plural of יוֹרֵד tr=yoréd
1690 ראיה
     1. n. proof, evidencere'ayá
           יֵשׁ לָנוּ רְאָיוֹת מְשַׁכְנְעוֹת שֶׁאַתָּה הָרוֹצֵחַ (yeš lanú re'ayót mešakhne'ót še'atá harotsé'aḥ) - We have compelling evidence that you are the murderer.
1691 ילדות
     1. n. childhoodyal'dút
     2. n. plural of יַלְדָּהy'ladót
1692 איטלקי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=אִיטַלְקִי, tr=Italki)
     2. adj. Italian
     3. n. an ItalianItalki
1693 במהרה
     1. adv. quickly, speedily, soon, shortlybim'herá
1694 שד
     1. n. A breast.shad
     2. n. A demon, devil, fiend, sprite, bogey, fantom, genie, ghost, phantom, poltergeist, shade, spirit.shed
1695 תאריך
     1. n. A calendar date.ta'aríkh
           באיזה תאריך זה קרה? (b'éize ta'aríkh zé kará?) - On what date did it happen?
1696 עצר
     1. v. (transitive or intransitive) To stop, to stop moving, to halt, to stop the motion of. (See usage note below.)atsár
     2. v. To arrest.
1697 ניצח
     1. v. (intransitive) To win (in a game, an election, or the like).nitséakh
           המפלגה שלהן ניצחה בבחירות. (hamiflagá shelahén nits'khá bab'khirót.) - Their (feminine plural) party won the elections.
     2. v. To beat (someone), to defeat (someone) (in a game, an election, or the like).
           הוא ניצח אותי 6–3. (hu nitséakh oti 6–3.) - He beat me 6–3.
     3. v. (נִצַּח, nitsákh) alternative form of ניצח tr=nitséakh
1698 שורה
     1. n. a row (of objects); for example, a line of textshurá
1699 לידה
     1. n. birth, childbirth, deliveryleidá
     2. prep. Form of לְיַד (lyad) including third-person feminine singular personal pronoun as objectlyadá
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