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160 מקום
     1. n. place (location or position)makóm
     2. n.    standing place, station, post, office
     3. n.    place, place of human abode
     4. n.    city, land, region
     5. n.    place, locality, spot
161 לכאן
     1. adv. Hither, (to) here, over (to) here.lekhán
162 דרך
     1. n. (literally, and, figuratively) a road, a path, a waydérekh
           כל הדרכים מובילות לרומא. (kól had'rakhím movilót l'róma) - All the roads lead to Rome.
     2. n. a journey
     3. n. (by extension) a custom
     4. prep. Through, via, by way of.
163 איתי
     1. prep. Form of אֶת (ét) including first-person personal pronoun as object: with me.ití
     2. prep. Form of עִם (ím) including first-person personal pronoun as object: with me.
164 ביותר
     1. adv. (with a definite adjective) Most.b'yotér
           אוורסט הוא ההר הגבוה ביותר בעולם. (éverest hu hehár hagavóah b'yotér ba`olám.) - Mount Everest is the tallest (=most tall) mountain on Earth., inline=1
     2. adv. (with an indefinite adjective) Quite, most.
           אוורסט הוא הר גבוה ביותר. (éverest hu hár gavóah b'yotér.) - Mount Everest is quite a tall mountain.
165 הביתה
     1. adv. Home, homeward, to one's home.habáyta
           אני בדרך הביתה. (aní badérekh habáyta.) - I'm on my way home.
           באיזו שעה הגעת הביתה? (b'éizo sha'á higá'at(a) habáyta?) - When did you get home?
166 אחי
     1. n. singular form of אָח (ákh) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor.akhí
     2. n. (as a colloquial form of address) Bro, man, dude.
     3. n. singular construct form of אָח (ákh).
     4. n. plural form of אָח (ákh) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor.'akháy
167 מת
     1. adj. Dead, having died.mét
     2. adj. (Intensifier) very much, completely (as in dead tired).
           אֲנִי עָיֵיף מֵת (aní ayéf mét) - I'm dead tired
           אֲנִי מֵת לִרְאוֹת אוֹתָהּ הַלַּילָה (aní mét lir'ót otáh haláyla) - I'm dying to see her tonight
     3. v. To die.met
168 ה
     1. Letter. He, hei: the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, after ד.
     2. Letter. The numeral 5 in Hebrew numbering.
169 מדבר
     1. n. A desert (a barren place).midbár
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of דיבר (dibér).m'dabér
170 לעזור
     1. v. to-infinitive of עָזַר ('ázar): to help, to assist. to help, to assist.la'azor
171 לעולם
     1. adv. eternally, forever.l'olám
172 זהו
     1. part. that is, this is, it iszéhu
     2. part. right, that's it
     3. part. that's that, that's it, that's all
173 לדעת
     1. v. to-infinitive of ידע (yadá).ladá'at
174 כאילו
     1. conj. as if, as thoughk'ílu
     2. conj. (colloquial) like, kind of
     3. conj. (colloquial) really!
175 גדול
     1. adj. big, largegadól
     2. adj. great, important
176 שנים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of שָׁנָהshaním
     2. n. teeth: (dual of שֵׁן)shináyim
177 בי
     1. prep. Form of ב־ (b-) including first-person singular personal pronoun as object
     2. part. (archaic or obsolete) please: used to make a polite request
178 לקחת
     1. v. (לָקַחַת, lakáchat) to-infinitive of לָקַח (lakách).
     2. v. (לָקַחְתָּ, lakáchta) second-person masculine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of לָקַח (lakách).
179 ראיתי
     1. v. first-person singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of רָאָה (raá).raíti
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