120 |
makan |
1. v. imperative infinitive of memakan |
2. v. work properly |
Untung saja remnya makan kalau tidak matilah kau. - You're lucky that the brake worked properly otherwise you would be dead. |
3. n. living; sustenance |
4. n. (colloquial) apocopic form of makanan t=food; sustenance |
121 |
lama |
1. adj. long: having great duration; seemingly lasting a lot of time, because it is boring or tedious or tiring. |
2. adj. duration |
3. adj. ancient |
4. adj. old |
122 |
pasti |
1. adj. certain, sure |
123 |
bahkan |
1. conj. even |
2. conj. even more so |
124 |
oleh |
1. prep. by |
Buku ini ditulis oleh Pak Bambang sendiri. - This book is written by Mr. Bambang himself. |
2. prep. to |
3. prep. with |
4. prep. of |
125 |
pertama |
1. adj. first |
126 |
kali |
1. n. times |
Aku pergi ke sana dua kali sebulan. |
* I go there twice a month. |
2. prep. (mathematics) times |
Dua kali tiga sama dengan enam. - Two times three equals six. |
127 |
dunia |
1. n. world |
128 |
mulai |
1. prep. start |
2. prep. since (from a certain time/period) |
129 |
wanita |
1. n. woman, lady |
130 |
diri |
1. n. ego, self |
131 |
senang |
1. adj. happy |
2. adj. content, pleased |
3. adj. love |
4. adj. (dialect) well |
5. adj. (dated, dialect) easy |
132 |
cara |
1. n. way |
2. n. manner |
3. n. style |
4. n. effort |
133 |
ibu |
1. n. mother |
2. n. a (human) female who has given birth to a baby, who parents an adopted or fostered child, or who donates a fertilized egg or donates a body cell which |
3. n. something that is the greatest or most significant of its kind. |
4. n. madam: A polite form of address for a woman or lady. |
5. n. you (very formal) |
134 |
pria |
1. n. man, boy |
135 |
tuan |
1. n. master, lord. |
2. n. someone who has control over something or someone. |
3. n. someone who employs others. |
4. n. mister (title of adult male) |
5. pron. (formal) (second person personal pronoun) |
136 |
siap |
1. adj. ready, prepared, all set. |
2. adj. finished, completed. |
3. interj. (military) Used as a command to bring soldiers to the attention position. |
4. n. abbreviation of sisa anggaran pembangunan, t=unspend development fund |
137 |
jam |
1. n. hour (Time period of sixty minutes) |
2. n. clock (instrument to measure or keep track of time) |
3. n. (colloquial) time, particular moment or hour; the appropriate moment or hour for something |
138 |
kemudian |
1. adv. after |
2. adv. then |
139 |
membunuh |
1. v. To extinguish the life; to make someone die; to kill. |
2. v. To cause someone died (indirect killing). |
Rokok membunuhmu. - Smoking kills you. |