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240 들어오다
     1. v. to enter, to come in
           들어오세요. 아나. 어서오세요. ― 고맙습니다. - Come in. … Well, Anna, welcome. ― Thank you.
             Original English texts from 2016, (public domain)
     1. n. outside
           그녀-는 밖-에 나갔어요. - She went outside.
242 세상
     1. n. world
           난 이 세상 누구-보다-도 널 사랑해. - I love you more than anybody else in the world.
243 작다
     1. adj. to be small
           그-는 키-가 작다. - He is short.
244 타다
     1. v. to burn
     2. v. to ride, to take
     3. v.          to ride (horse, bicycle, etc.), to get on (bus, car, etc.)
                   버스-에 타다 - to get on the bus
                   택시-를 타다 - to take a taxi
245 대학
     1. n. college, university
246 작품
     1. n. a creative work or product
           문학 작품 - literary work
247 상황
     1. n. conditions, the situation
           그건 상황에 따라 달라요. - It depends on the situation.
248 가운데
     1. n. center; the middle
     2. n. out of, among
     3. n. amid, as, with, indicating in the course of doing something
249 보내다
     1. v. to send, to dispatch
           우편-을 외국-으로 보내다. - To send mail to a foreign country.
     2. v. to spend time
           즐거운 시간-을 보내세요. - Have a nice time!
           여기-서 6년-을 보냈다. - I've been here 6 years.
250 두다
     1. v. To put
     2. v. To leave (behind), let there be
           당신에게 그것들을 남겨 둘까요? - Should I just leave them with you?
     3. v. To keep (from), preserve
     4. v. To have (in mind)
     1. adv. that is to say, in other words, i.e.
           중동-은 곧 라마단, 즉 금식 기간-으로 접어든다. - The Middle East soon enters the month of Ramadan, that is, the time of the fast.
     2. adv. ====Root====
     3. adv. (ko-root of 즉하다, to be based on (formal))
     4. adv. ====Affix====
252 따라서
     1. adv. therefore; in accordance with
     2. adv. depending on
253 상태
     1. n. condition, status
254 이후
     1. n. the time following a given point in time; thenceforth
255 당시
     1. n. the time in question
     2. n. Tang poetry
256 문학
     1. n. literature
     2. n. the study of literature
257 더욱
     1. adv. more so, even more
258 아주
     1. adv. very
           덕택에 저는 아주 잘 지내고 있습니다. 감사해요. - It's going very well, thank you.
           집이 아주 많이 부서졌다. - The house is quite damaged.
     2. Proper noun. Asia
     3. Proper noun. Africa
259 지방
     1. n. a geographical region
     2. n. rural areas; the country
     3. n. fat, grease
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