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220 국민
     1. n. (chiefly South Korea) people of a nation
           그래, 대통령-은 국민-들-이 선출한 한 국가-의 수장-이야. - Yes, the president is the head of a country elected by the people.
221 생명
     1. n. life
     2. n. (short for, 생명보험(生命保險), t=life insurance)
222 얘기
     1. n. contraction of 이야기: talk; story
223 학생
     1. n. student, scholar, school pupil
224 연구
     1. n. research
225 엄마
     1. n. (colloquial) mum, mummy
           가서 엄마한테 물어 봐. - Go ask your mom.
           엄마-는 바구니-를 들고 있습니다. - Mum is carrying a basket.
226 이름
     1. n. name; full name
           이 식물-은 이름-이 뭐-야? - What's the name of this plant?
           누구 이름-으로 예약하셨나요? - What name is your reservation under?
           자비로우시고 자애로우신 하나님-의 이름으로 - in the name of God, the Merciful, the Benevolent
     2. n. given name (in opposition to a surname)
227 내리다
     1. v. to come down
           가끔 봄비-도 내려요. - Sometimes a spring rain also comes down.
     2. v. to disembark; to disembark from
     3. v. to take down, to put down
     4. v. to give to subordinates (of an order, a reward, a punishment, etc.)
228 사건
     1. n. a noteworthy or remarkable incident
     1. adv. and, additionally
230 쉽다
     1. adj. to be easy
     2. adj. to be likely
231 짓다
     1. v. to make something (food, a house, etc.), to build
           이름-을 짓다 - to name
232 또한
     1. adv. also, too, furthermore
233 이유
     1. n. (ko-regional, 이유(理由), 리유(理由))
     2. n. reason; cause
           이유 여하-를 묻-지 않다 - without getting into the whys and wherefores of the reasons
     3. n. (ko-regional, 이유(離乳), 리유(離乳))
     4. n. weaning
234 또는
     1. adv. if not; alternatively
235 필요하다
     1. adj. to have a need
           그 각각-은 훌륭-한 가정-이 필요-합니다. - Each one is in need of a good home.
             2016, (The original sentence in English)
     2. adj. to be necessary, to be needed
     1. n. a piece of writing; a written work such as a book or article
           슬픈 글-을 읽고 눈물-을 흘렸다. - I read a sad work of writing and shed tears.
           좋은 글-의 비법-은 다독, 다작, 다상량-뿐-이다. - The only method to good writing is reading much, writing much, and thinking much.
     2. n. a letter in writing
           글-을 예쁘게 쓰려고 애쓴다. - She makes an effort to write her letters prettily.
237 생기다
     1. v. to emerge; for something to appear where it had been absent
           자, 이제 당신-들-끼리 화제거리-가 생겼네요. 둘 다 한 잔 하러 갈까요? - Well, now you've got something to talk about, can I get you both a drink?
     2. v. to appear/to look a certain way
           가방-이 어떻게 생겼습니까? - What does (your) bag look like?
           예쁘게 생기다 - to look pretty
238 사용하다
     1. v. to use
           여러 가지 프로그램-을 잘 사용할 줄 압니다. - I know how to use many computer programs.
239 남편
     1. n. husband
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