200 |
책 |
1. n. book |
책-을 읽다 - to read a book |
201 |
일어나다 |
1. v. to arise, get up; to wake up |
2. v. to occur; to happen |
202 |
당신 |
1. pron. second person singular plain pronoun; you |
우리-는 당신-밖에 모른다 - We Know No One but You |
203 |
시장 |
1. n. hunger |
2. n. market |
3. n. mayor |
4. adv. (Hamgyeong, Some dialects of Yanbian, Koryo-mar, Presumably also Yukjin) now |
야, 시장 오겠으꾸마. - Yes, now I will go there |
204 |
넣다 |
1. v. to put in, to include, to insert |
붙들어 손-에 넣다 - to capture someone or something |
205 |
중요하다 |
1. adj. to be important |
계약-의 자유-는 중요-한 원칙-으로 남아있고, 그래서 몇몇 예외-는 있-으나 법원-은 당사자-들-이 어떠한 조건-으로 계약-을 하-든지 관여-하지 아니한다. - Freedom of contract remains an important principle and so, with some exceptions, the courts will leave |
206 |
무슨 |
1. det. (in questions) what, what kind of |
무슨 일-을 하세요? - What kind of work do you do? |
2. det. (in statements) a certain, some; some kind of |
무슨 일-이 있-어서 못 왔어. - He couldn't come because he had some sort of work to do. |
3. det. what kind of; (used for emphasis in a rhetorical question.) |
207 |
느끼다 |
1. v. to feel (emotion, sensation, etc.) |
추위-를 느끼다 - to feel a sensation of coldness |
행복-을 느끼다 - to feel happiness |
중요하지 않다고 느끼다 - to feel it is not important |
2. v. to be aroused; to orgasm |
208 |
어렵다 |
1. adj. to be difficult, to be hard |
시험-이 어려웠니? - Was the examination difficult? |
2. adj. to be difficult, to be awkward, to be particular (e.g. a person's taste in food) |
3. adj. to be poor, to be suffering from poverty |
209 |
힘 |
1. n. strength; power |
2. n. (physics) force |
3. n. (tarot) Strength (Tarot card) |
4. n. (wp, 힘 (타로)) |
210 |
너무 |
1. adv. (in negative contexts) too, excessively |
2. adv. (in positive contexts) so, very, extremely |
너무-도 예쁘다 - so very beautiful |
211 |
나라 |
1. n. country, nation |
러시아-는 세계-에서 제일 큰 나라-다. - Russia is the largest country in the world. |
2. n. government |
이건 나라-가 준 돈-이야. - This is money that the government gave me. |
212 |
부르다 |
1. v. to name, to call, to call out |
난 그녀-의 이름-을 몇 번-이고 불렀다. - I called out her name multiple times. |
2. v. to bid, to offer (a price) |
부르는 게 값-이다. - Whatever is offered is the price. |
3. v. to cry, to yell, to shout |
213 |
의미 |
1. n. meaning (of words or deeds) |
uxi, 뭔 의미-가 있냐?, What's the point? |
214 |
자리 |
1. n. space, place, site (occupied by something or someone) |
이 교실-에는 이백명-의 학생-들-이 앉을 자리가 있다. - This classroom seats two hundred students. |
2. n. seat, position, role, job, post, -ship |
장관 자리 - ministership |
3. n. mat, bed, bedding |
215 |
밝히다 |
1. v. to make bright, light up, brighten, illuminate |
밤을 밝히다 - to sit up at night |
2. v. to make clear, reveal, disclose, uncover |
3. v. to remain awake, sit up at night |
4. v. to indulge in, give oneself up to |
216 |
죽다 |
1. v. to die (to stop living) |
그-는 이미 죽-은 지 오래-이다. - It is already long since he died. |
2. v. to die away, to fade |
여드름 많이 죽-었--네. - Your pimples have died out a lot. |
3. v. (of a machine) to die, to stop working |
217 |
이미 |
1. adv. already |
218 |
쪽 |
1. Dependent noun. side |
2. Dependent noun. direction of approach or movement |
3. n. a part, piece |
4. n. page |
5. n. (vulgar) face |
219 |
정치 |
1. n. politics; governmental affairs |
정치란 나라-를 다스리는 것-을 말한다. - Politics refers to governing a country. |