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     1. n. book
           책-을 읽다 - to read a book
201 일어나다
     1. v. to arise, get up; to wake up
     2. v. to occur; to happen
202 당신
     1. pron. second person singular plain pronoun; you
           우리-는 당신-밖에 모른다 - We Know No One but You
203 시장
     1. n. hunger
     2. n. market
     3. n. mayor
     4. adv. (Hamgyeong, Some dialects of Yanbian, Koryo-mar, Presumably also Yukjin) now
           야, 시장 오겠으꾸마. - Yes, now I will go there
204 넣다
     1. v. to put in, to include, to insert
           붙들어 손-에 넣다 - to capture someone or something
205 중요하다
     1. adj. to be important
           계약-의 자유-는 중요-한 원칙-으로 남아있고, 그래서 몇몇 예외-는 있-으나 법원-은 당사자-들-이 어떠한 조건-으로 계약-을 하-든지 관여-하지 아니한다. - Freedom of contract remains an important principle and so, with some exceptions, the courts will leave
206 무슨
     1. det. (in questions) what, what kind of
           무슨 일-을 하세요? - What kind of work do you do?
     2. det. (in statements) a certain, some; some kind of
           무슨 일-이 있-어서 못 왔어. - He couldn't come because he had some sort of work to do.
     3. det. what kind of; (used for emphasis in a rhetorical question.)
207 느끼다
     1. v. to feel (emotion, sensation, etc.)
           추위-를 느끼다 - to feel a sensation of coldness
           행복-을 느끼다 - to feel happiness
           중요하지 않다고 느끼다 - to feel it is not important
     2. v. to be aroused; to orgasm
208 어렵다
     1. adj. to be difficult, to be hard
           시험-이 어려웠니? - Was the examination difficult?
     2. adj. to be difficult, to be awkward, to be particular (e.g. a person's taste in food)
     3. adj. to be poor, to be suffering from poverty
     1. n. strength; power
     2. n. (physics) force
     3. n. (tarot) Strength (Tarot card)
     4. n. (wp, 힘 (타로))
210 너무
     1. adv. (in negative contexts) too, excessively
     2. adv. (in positive contexts) so, very, extremely
           너무-도 예쁘다 - so very beautiful
211 나라
     1. n. country, nation
           러시아-는 세계-에서 제일 큰 나라-다. - Russia is the largest country in the world.
     2. n. government
           이건 나라-가 준 돈-이야. - This is money that the government gave me.
212 부르다
     1. v. to name, to call, to call out
           난 그녀-의 이름-을 몇 번-이고 불렀다. - I called out her name multiple times.
     2. v. to bid, to offer (a price)
           부르는 게 값-이다. - Whatever is offered is the price.
     3. v. to cry, to yell, to shout
213 의미
     1. n. meaning (of words or deeds)
           uxi, 뭔 의미-가 있냐?, What's the point?
214 자리
     1. n. space, place, site (occupied by something or someone)
           이 교실-에는 이백명-의 학생-들-이 앉을 자리가 있다. - This classroom seats two hundred students.
     2. n. seat, position, role, job, post, -ship
           장관 자리 - ministership
     3. n. mat, bed, bedding
215 밝히다
     1. v. to make bright, light up, brighten, illuminate
           밤을 밝히다 - to sit up at night
     2. v. to make clear, reveal, disclose, uncover
     3. v. to remain awake, sit up at night
     4. v. to indulge in, give oneself up to
216 죽다
     1. v. to die (to stop living)
           그-는 이미 죽-은 지 오래-이다. - It is already long since he died.
     2. v. to die away, to fade
           여드름 많이 죽-었--네. - Your pimples have died out a lot.
     3. v. (of a machine) to die, to stop working
217 이미
     1. adv. already
     1. Dependent noun. side
     2. Dependent noun. direction of approach or movement
     3. n. a part, piece
     4. n. page
     5. n. (vulgar) face
219 정치
     1. n. politics; governmental affairs
           정치란 나라-를 다스리는 것-을 말한다. - Politics refers to governing a country.
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