280 |
뜻 |
1. n. meaning, sense, significance |
2. n. mind |
3. n. aim, goal |
281 |
아 |
1. interj. ah; oh |
아, 제-가 실수했네요! - Ah, I made a mistake! |
2. n. (literary, philosophy) the ego; the self |
3. pron. (Hanmuntu) I; me |
4. pron. (Hanmuntu) we; us; our |
282 |
기다리다 |
1. v. to wait for, to await |
기다려 주시겠습니까? - Could you please wait? |
2. v. to look forward to |
283 |
떨어지다 |
1. v. to fall; tumble; drop |
2. v. to fall; drop; decline; decrease |
284 |
선거 |
1. n. election |
2. n. any process to select an officer |
285 |
관하다 |
1. v. to be in relation to, with regard to |
이 이야기-가 무엇-에 관-한 이야기-라고 생각합니까? - What do you think this story is about? |
286 |
분 |
1. n. (Units of measure) bun, a unit of length equivalent to about 0.3nbspcm, the Korean equivalent of the Chinese fen |
2. n. (Units of measure) bun, a unit of weight equivalent to about 0.4nbspg, the Korean equivalent of the Chinese fen |
3. n. (time) minute |
8(여덟)시 45(사십오)분 - 8:45 (time) |
4. n. ====Numeral==== |
287 |
그냥 |
1. adv. simply; just like that; just as it is. |
2. adv. for no particular reason |
3. adv. for free |
288 |
나누다 |
1. v. to divide (into pieces); to split up |
빵을 두 동강으로 나누다 - to divide bread into two pieces |
2. v. (mathematics) to divide |
3. v. to share |
술을 한 잔 나누다 - to share a glass of wine |
289 |
이용하다 |
1. v. (ko-regional, 이용(利用)하다, 리용(利用)하다) |
2. v. to use; to utilize |
290 |
거의 |
1. adv. almost, nearly |
거의 여섯시야. - It's almost six o'clock. |
그녀-는 지갑-에 돈-이 거의 남지 않았다. - She had little money left in her purse. |
에세이에서 백퍼센트(100%)를 얻는다는 것은 거의 불가능하다. - It's practically impossible to get 100% on the essay. |
291 |
곧 |
1. adv. soon, at once, immediately, shortly, straightway |
곧 야구 경기가 시작된다. - The baseball match will begin shortly. |
2. adv. easily, readily |
3. adv. namely, that is, i.e., viz. |
292 |
중심 |
1. n. center, core |
2. n. (Yanbian) centre (place where some function or activity occurs) |
293 |
활동 |
1. n. activity |
294 |
오늘 |
1. n. today; this day |
오늘-은 4(사)월 3(삼)일-입니다. - transliteration=Oneur-eun sawol samir-imnida. |
오늘 밤-에 영화 보러 가는 게 어때? - Let's go to the movies tonight, what do you say? |
2. adv. today |
오늘 뭐 했어요? - What did you do today? |
295 |
서로 |
1. adv. mutually, with each other, with one another |
2. pron. each other, one another |
서로의 가치 - value of each other |
296 |
관심 |
1. n. interest in, or inclination to, a topic or activity |
297 |
역시 |
1. adv. too, also |
2. adv. just as expected |
3. adv. after all |
4. adv. the same as before |
298 |
이거 |
1. pron. this thing, this matter |
2. interj. expression of surprise: oh, my word! |
299 |
애 |
1. n. Alternative form of 아이, t=child; kid, from=colloquial. |
애 생기면 결혼해야지. - If we get a kid, we'll have to marry. |
2. n. (colloquial sometimes slightly derogatory) guy, person (usually rather young) |
일본 애-들 - Japanese people |
3. n. anxiety; impatience |