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     1. n. meaning, sense, significance
     2. n. mind
     3. n. aim, goal
     1. interj. ah; oh
           아, 제-가 실수했네요! - Ah, I made a mistake!
     2. n. (literary, philosophy) the ego; the self
     3. pron. (Hanmuntu) I; me
     4. pron. (Hanmuntu) we; us; our
282 기다리다
     1. v. to wait for, to await
           기다려 주시겠습니까? - Could you please wait?
     2. v. to look forward to
283 떨어지다
     1. v. to fall; tumble; drop
     2. v. to fall; drop; decline; decrease
284 선거
     1. n. election
     2. n. any process to select an officer
285 관하다
     1. v. to be in relation to, with regard to
           이 이야기-가 무엇-에 관-한 이야기-라고 생각합니까? - What do you think this story is about?
     1. n. (Units of measure) bun, a unit of length equivalent to about 0.3nbspcm, the Korean equivalent of the Chinese fen
     2. n. (Units of measure) bun, a unit of weight equivalent to about 0.4nbspg, the Korean equivalent of the Chinese fen
     3. n. (time) minute
           8(여덟)시 45(사십오)분 - 8:45 (time)
     4. n. ====Numeral====
287 그냥
     1. adv. simply; just like that; just as it is.
     2. adv. for no particular reason
     3. adv. for free
288 나누다
     1. v. to divide (into pieces); to split up
           빵을 두 동강으로 나누다 - to divide bread into two pieces
     2. v. (mathematics) to divide
     3. v. to share
           술을 한 잔 나누다 - to share a glass of wine
289 이용하다
     1. v. (ko-regional, 이용(利用)하다, 리용(利用)하다)
     2. v. to use; to utilize
290 거의
     1. adv. almost, nearly
           거의 여섯시야. - It's almost six o'clock.
           그녀-는 지갑-에 돈-이 거의 남지 않았다. - She had little money left in her purse.
           에세이에서 백퍼센트(100%)를 얻는다는 것은 거의 불가능하다. - It's practically impossible to get 100% on the essay.
     1. adv. soon, at once, immediately, shortly, straightway
           곧 야구 경기가 시작된다. - The baseball match will begin shortly.
     2. adv. easily, readily
     3. adv. namely, that is, i.e., viz.
292 중심
     1. n. center, core
     2. n. (Yanbian) centre (place where some function or activity occurs)
293 활동
     1. n. activity
294 오늘
     1. n. today; this day
           오늘-은 4(사)월 3(삼)일-입니다. - transliteration=Oneur-eun sawol samir-imnida.
           오늘 밤-에 영화 보러 가는 게 어때? - Let's go to the movies tonight, what do you say?
     2. adv. today
           오늘 뭐 했어요? - What did you do today?
295 서로
     1. adv. mutually, with each other, with one another
     2. pron. each other, one another
           서로의 가치 - value of each other
296 관심
     1. n. interest in, or inclination to, a topic or activity
297 역시
     1. adv. too, also
     2. adv. just as expected
     3. adv. after all
     4. adv. the same as before
298 이거
     1. pron. this thing, this matter
     2. interj. expression of surprise: oh, my word!
     1. n. Alternative form of 아이, t=child; kid, from=colloquial.
           애 생기면 결혼해야지. - If we get a kid, we'll have to marry.
     2. n. (colloquial sometimes slightly derogatory) guy, person (usually rather young)
           일본 애-들 - Japanese people
     3. n. anxiety; impatience
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