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300 광고
     1. n. advertisement, advertising in general
     1. n. room
           나-는 내 방-을 깨끗이 치웠다. - I cleaned my room.
           호텔방 - hotel room
           노래방 - song room
     2. n. notice (written to the public)
302 정신
     1. n. mind; consciousness; pneuma; psyche
           육신-과 정신 - the physical body and the psyche
           정신-을 잃다 - to lose consciousness
     2. n. mindset
           지피지기-의 정신-으로 - with the mindset that "if you know the enemy and know yourself you will not be defeated in a hundred battles".
303 이르다
     1. adj. to be early
           이른 아침 - early morning
     2. adj. to be premature
     3. v. to arrive at a place or time
     4. v. to say, tell
     1. n. earth, land (as opposed to the sea or ocean)
     2. n. ground, soil
     3. n. territory
305 이루다
     1. v. to achieve, to accomplish, to fulfill
     2. v. to form, to make
306 아침
     1. n. morning
           저-는 아침-에 일찍 일어나요. - I wake up early in the morning.
     2. n. breakfast
           아침-은 7시-에서 9시 사이-에 꼭 먹도록! - 7/일곱,9/아홉
307 웃다
     1. v. to laugh, to smile, to grin
     2. v. to laugh off, to deride, to dismiss (often in form "(lang, ...로 웃어 버리다)")
308 현상
     1. n. the evident condition or state
     2. n. phenomenon
309 떠나다
     1. v. to leave
           그들-은 가게-를 떠나고 있다. - They're leaving the store.
           길-을 떠나다 - to be on one's way
310 기술
     1. n. technology
     2. n. skill; technique
     3. n. description
     4. n. jugglery; sleight of hand
311 전체
     1. n. the whole
312 그래
     1. adv. like this, like that
     2. interj. yeah
           응, 그래. - Yeah, okay. (casual)
     3. interj. really?
           그래? 미처 생각도 못했네. - Really? (I) didn't really think about that either. (casual)
313 얻다
     1. v. to get, to receive, to obtain, to have (an object)
           그-는 런던-에 새로 문-을 여는 한 회사-에서 광고 부문 중역으로서-의 일자리-를 얻었다. - He got a new position as advertising executive for a new firm opening in London.
     2. v. to borrow
     3. v. to win (someone's heart), to receive (criticism, praise, reputation)
     4. v. to get sick
314 아름답다
     1. adj. to be beautiful
           이 꽃-들-은 아름다운 여인-들-을 위해서 준비했어-요. - I prepared these flowers for beautiful women.
           아름다운 세상 - beautiful world
315  ©
     1. n. end, final
316 민족
     1. n. people; nation; ethnicity; race; tribe
           민족 해방 - national liberation
           민족 이동 - ethnic migration
     1. n. salty seasonings
     2. n. (abbreviation of 간장) liver
           간은 우리 몸에서 가장 중요한 기관 중의 하나이다. - The liver is one of the most important organs in our body.
     3. v. past of 가다: gone, went
     4. n. (Northern Gyeongsang, Pyongan, Gangwon, Hamgyong) side dishes
318 조사
     1. n. investigation; examination
     2. n. (grammar) particle; postposition
     3. n. exposure to light
     4. n. irradiation
     5. n. eulogy; words of condolence
     1. Dependent noun. as if; in a manner suggesting that
           (koex, 저 사람, 어디서 본 듯도 한데..., I suppose I might have seen him somewhere...)
           (koex, 강아지도 좋다는 듯 꼬리를 살랑인다., The dog gently wags his tail as if saying he's fine with it, too.)
     2. Dependent noun. (in the form of -'~는 듯 마는 듯' and such) leaving it ambiguous whether or not
           (koex, 비가 내릴 듯 말 듯 우중충한 날씨, a gloomy weather which threatens to rain or not)
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