3. Proper noun. (short for, 한국(韓國), t=Korea, the Republic of Korea)
4. Proper noun. (historical) Han (ancient Chinese county, viscounty, and kingdom of the Zhou dynasty)
1. n. speech
내 말을 주의하여 들어봐. - Listen to me carefully.
2. n. (colloquial) language
일본 말을 어디서 배웠어? - Where did you learn Japanese?
3. n. horse
1. n. work (activity done for compensation or reward)
회사-에서 혹시 어떤 일 하세요? - Excuse me, what work do you do in the company?
2. n. a fact, an event, a situation (any kind of occurrence)
무슨 일-이야? - What's the matter?
이런 일-이 있을 줄-은 몰랐다. - I didn't know something like this would happen.
1. Dependent noun. cause (almost always follows a noun or nominalized clause with the meaning of "because (of)", except in the conjunction 때문-에)
일 때문-에 오늘-은 못 만날 것 같아. - Because of work, I don't think I can meet you today.
남자친구 때문-에 딴 남자-를 못 만나. - I can't meet other guys because of my boyfriend.
네, 그렇기 때문-에 그 회사-의 주식-이 떨어지고 있어-요. - Yes, that company's stocks are failing because of that.
제-가 베트남어-를 공부하는 이유-는 베트남-이 동남아 국가-들 중 가장 발전 가능성-이 크다고 생각하기 때문-입니다. - The reason I am studying Vietnamese is because I believe that Vietnam has the greatest potential for development among the c
1. v. to speak, to talk
한국어-로 말-하자! - Let's talk in Korean! (colloquial)
날 사랑-한-다고 말-해줘. - Tell me you love me. (colloquial)
네-가 여기 있-다고 그녀-에게 말-해. - Tell her you’re here.
어제 일-은 미안-하-다고 말-하고 싶어요. — 괜찮아요. 아나. - I want to say I’m sorry for yesterday. — It’s okay, Anna.
1. v. to help, to serve, to benefit; to honour, to esteem
2. v. to do for the sake of / for the purpose of
세계평화-를 위하여 - for the sake of world peace
3. v. (Hanmuntu) to say; to call
1. adv. but, however
2. adv. "like that, but;" contraction of (ko-l, 그러하나)
1. v. to come (to move towards the speaker)
파티-에 와-줘서 고마워. - Thanks for coming to the party.
어떻게 오셨어-요? - What brings you here?
여기-로 오는 사람-들 - the people coming here
오기-를 잘했다 - made the right choice in coming; glad that one came
1. v. to know, understand (to have information or knowledge about an object or situation through education, experience, thoughts, etc.)
난 그들-이 알고 있는 것-이 무엇-인지 안다. - I know just what they know.
제 전화번호 알아요? - Do you know my phone number?
2. v. to know; realize (to realize or feel a fact or situation through awareness or senses.)
3. v. to know; understand; appreciate (to realize or feel a psychological state in one's mind.)
1. n. seed, kernel
2. n. semen
3. n. woof, weft
4. n. (rare) part of speech
5. n. (North Korea, mathematics) prime
1. adj. to be thus, in that way; to be correct
그래요? - Really?
1. adj. to be big, large (both physical and figurative)