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40  ©
     1. adv. more, -er (to a greater extent)
           좀-만 더 기다리자. - Let's wait just a bit more.
           한 번 더 해봐. - Try one more time.
           오늘-이 어제보다 더 춥다. - Today is colder than yesterday.
41 받다
     1. v. to get, receive, take, obtain
           내 생일 선물-로 부모님-에게-서 컴퓨터-를 받았다. - I got a computer from my parents for my birthday.
     2. v. to endure, suffer (pain, hardship, etc.)
     3. v. to bathe in (the sunlight, moonlight, spotlight, etc.)
     4. v. to collect (fees), accept (applications, etc.)
42 그것
     1. pron. that (thing near the listener)
           그것은 펜이 아니야. 그것은 책이야. - It is not a pen. It is a book.
             Original English texts from 2016, (public domain)
     2. pron. that (thing that has already been mentioned)
     1. n. home, house
           집-에 돌아오다 - to return home
           집-에 온 이후부터 - since I got home
           그 애 집-까지 다시 태워다 줬어. - I gave him a lift back to his place.
     2. n. household
44 나오다
     1. v. to come out, come forth
           학생은 학교에서 나왔어요. - The student came out of school.Example from https://www.howtostudykorean.com/unit1/unit-1-lessons-9-16/lesson-15/m5
     2. v. to become apparent
     3. v. to be published, to be presented
45 따르다
     1. v. to follow
           우체국-에 도착할 때-까지 그 길-을 따라서 가세요. - Follow the road until you reach the post office.
           나-는 개 한 마리-와 함께 길-을 따라 걷고 있던 어느 여인-을 보았다. - I saw a woman with a dog walking down the street.
     2. v. to pour
46 그리고
     1. adv. and, also, in addition (often used at the beginning of a sentence)
47 문제
     1. n. problem, issue, question
           우리-는 그 문제-를 쉽게 풀었다. - We solved the problem easily.
           무슨 문제-라도 있나요? - What seems to be the problem?
           요점-은 이 문제-를 어떻게 해결하-느냐 하는 것-이다. - The point is how to solve this issue.
48 그런
     1. det. like that, such
           그들-은 문구-류와 뭐 그런 것-들-을 판다. - They sell stationery and stuff like that.
49 살다
     1. v. to live
     2. v. to dwell
     1. det. that (distal determiner)
           저기 저 나무-를 봐 봐. - Take a look at that tree over there.
     2. pron. that, that thing
     3. pron. (humble) I, me; ng, the first-person singular polite pronoun
           어제, 저-는 기차-를 탔습니다. - Yesterday, I took a train.
51 못하다
     1. v. (in the form -지 못하다) cannot (do); to be unable, or impossible (to do)
           집-에 가지 못해요. - I cannot go home.
     2. v. not be good at
           나-는 노래-를 못해요. - I'm not good at singing.
52 생각하다
     1. v. to think
           왜 그렇게 생각하는데요? - What makes you think so?
             (audio, 왜 그렇게 생각하는데요.ogg, Audio (Ko))
           어떤 이-들-은 독서-가 쓸데없다-고 생각한다. - Some believe reading is a waste of time.
           이번엔 제 차-를 가지고 가려고는 생각하지 않습니다. - Well, I don’t think I will bring my car this time.
53 모르다
     1. v. to not know, to be ignorant of
           나-는 걔 이름-을 몰라. - I don't know his name.
           우리 어디 가고 있는지 모르겠어. - I'm not sure where we're going.
     2. v. (after -는지, -던지, -을지, often with -도) to be possibly so
           아직 살아 있-을지-도 모른다. - Perhaps he is still alive.
     1. n. the interior or inside, especially that which is underneath or within a covering
           그림 속에 몇 명이 서 있습니까? - How many people are standing in the picture?
     2. n. stomach; insides
           속-이 안 좋다. - my stomach doesn't feel good.
55 만들다
     1. v. to make
           종이 비행기-를 만들다 - to make a paper airplane
           친구-를 만들다 - to make friends
     2. v. to establish (a law, club, etc.)
           시대-에 맞는 헌법-을 만들다 - to establish a constitution suited to the times
     1. Dependent noun. place
           좋은 데 - good place
           예쁜 데 - pretty place
     2. Dependent noun. situation, case
     3. Dependent noun. thing; what; (used generically to substantialize clauses.)
     1. n. (in certain expressions) head
           아이고 두-야! (uttered during a headache) - Oh, my head!
     1. n. (literal, figurative) fore, front
           앞-으로 나오세요. - Come to the front.
           내 앞-에 사람-이 있다. - There is someone in front of me.
           차 앞-을 박았어. - I crashed the front of the car.
           막강-한 무력 앞-에 굴복-할 수-밖에 없었다. - They had no choice but to submit in the face of tremendous military force.
59 경우
     1. n. conditions, circumstances
     2. n. case, event
           그럴 경우 세미나는 연기될 수 있는 것인지요? - If that were to occur (In the case of it being so), could the seminar be postponed?
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