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560 빠르다
     1. adj. to be fast, quick, soon, early
           시간-이 빠르지 않아요? - Time flies, doesn't it?
           빠른 시일 내에 - as soon as possible
561 스스로
     1. adv. by oneself, on one's own, without assistance
     2. pron. oneself
562 아기
     1. n. unweaned baby, child
     2. n. animal baby
     3. n. (endearing) one's young daughter or daughter-in-law
563 아저씨
     1. n. middle-aged elder male
     2. n. uncle
     3. n. mister, gentleman
     4. n. (North Korea) sister's husband
564 옛날
     1. n. (in) the past
     2. n. long ago; once upon a time
565 이날
     1. n. (time) that day; this day; the day under discussion
566 제대로
     1. adv. properly, in the appropriate manner
     2. adv. sufficiently
     1. n. (astronomy) moon; the Moon
     2. n. month
     3. n. (tarot) The Moon (Tarot card)
     4. n. (wp, 달 (타로))
     5. n. the common reed (Phragmites communis)
568 던지다
     1. v. to throw, to hurl
     1. adv. truly
     2. interj. Good grief!
     3. interj. Oh, I just remembered.
     4. n. The truth.
570 공간
     1. n. (empty) space, room
571 이곳
     1. pron. here
     1. n. daughter (female child)
           딸-을 시집보내다 - to give one's daughter away in marriage
           딸-이 미혼모-가 된다니 체면-이 서지 않게 되었다. - It is a disgrace that our daughter should be an unmarried mother.
           그녀-는 결혼-하여 아들 셋-에 딸-을 하나 낳았습니다. - She married and had three sons and one daughter.
     2. n. (short for, 딸딸이, t=slang) masturbation; jerking off
573 마지막
     1. n. the end; the last thing
           마지막 공연 - the last show
           그리고 마지막-으로, 미술관-에서 사진-을 찍지 마십시오. - And finally, please do not take pictures in the museum.
574 벌이다
     1. v. to start, to begin
     2. v. to stage, to throw, to give
     3. v. to wage
575 병원
     1. n. a hospital
     2. n. (by extension) any facility for healing or treatment of people, animals, or things
     3. n. (South Korean law) a medical facility capable of handling 30 or more patients at a time
576 자세
     1. n. posture; carriage
     2. n. attitude
577 강조하다
     1. v. to emphasize
578 경찰
     1. n. the police
           아니야, 경찰-들-은 민중-들-을 위해 존재해. - No, the police exists for the people.
     2. n. a police officer
     3. n. policing generally
579 맡다
     1. v. to take on a task or job; to take charge of
           일-을 맡다 - to undertake a job
     2. v. to smell
     3. v. to scent, to smell out (a secret, etc.)
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