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580 저녁
     1. n. evening
           저녁 일곱 시에 - in the evening
     2. n. evening meal; supper; dinner
581 한편
     1. adv. on the other hand, while
582 그러면
     1. adv. if so
     2. adv. in that case
583 기자
     1. n. reporter, journalist, newsman, correspondent
     2. Proper noun. Giza
584 넓다
     1. adj. to be wide, large, broad
585 시험
     1. n. test, exam
           시험-을 보다 - to take a test
     2. n. experimentation, as in (ko-l, 시험 운전, , a test drive)
     1. n. sleep, nap
           얕은 잠 - a light sleep
           깊은 잠 - a deep sleep
587 주로
     1. adv. chiefly, principally
     2. n. crested ibis
588 훨씬
     1. adv. much more or less (than normal); a lot; long (before or after); far more
     1. n. cotton (both the fiber and the cloth)
     2. n. noodles
     3. n. side; aspect
           나-는 항상 긍정적-인 면-을 보려고 한다. - I always try to look on the positive side.
     4. n. (government) township
590 통일
     1. n. unification or reunification
591 들어서다
     1. v. to enter, to take up a position, to occupy
592 건강
     1. n. health
           공부하느라 건강을 해치다 - to damage one's health by studying too much
           건강을 조심하다 - to take care of one's health
593 가깝다
     1. adj. to be close, to be near (in distance, time, emotional rapport, kinship, etc.)
           가까운 친척 - close relatives
           새로 이사한 집-은 학교-와 가깝다. - The school is close to our new house.
594 건물
     1. n. building, construction, edifice
           그 건물-은 보수-가 몹시 필요한 상태-이다. - The building is badly in need of repair.
595 시설
     1. n. facilities
     2. n. establishment
596 외국
     1. n. a foreign country
     1. n. bottom, underneath; the lower/bottom part (of an object)
           침대 밑-은 봤어? - Did you check under the bed?
     2. n. (in the form 밑-에서) under the care, instruction, or guidance of ...
           할머니 밑-에서 자라다 - to be raised by one's grandmother
           교수 밑-에서 배우다 - to learn under a professor
598 어른
     1. n. grownup, adult, elder, senior
           어른-들-이 이야기한단다. - The adults are talking.
599 주변
     1. n. the vicinity
     2. n. the periphery
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