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20 em
     1. prep. in; inside; within (contained by)
           Estou em minha casa. - I’m in my house.
           Encontraram umas moedas no baú. - They found some coins inside the chest.
     2. prep. on; on top of (located just above the surface of)
           O livro está na mesa. - The book is on the table.
21 ele  ©
     1. pron. third-person masculine singular nominative personal pronoun; he; it
           Ele andou até mim. - He walked towards me.
     2. pron. third-person masculine singular prepositional pronoun; him; it
           Eu gosto de conversar com ele. - I enjoy talking to him.
     3. pron. (Brazil) third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used in all positions; he; him; it
22 bem
     1. adv. well; accurately; competently
           Este filme foi muito bem produzido. - This film was produced very well.
     2. adv. well; fairly; rather (to a significant degree)
           Ele entrou no hospital com uma ferida bem ruim. - He got into the hospital with a rather nasty wound.
     3. adv. (familiar) very; really (to a high degree)
23 isso  ©
     1. pron. (tlb, indefinite demonstrative pronoun)
     2. pron. (demonstrative) that (the thing near you; the thing mentioned that concerns you)
           Coma isso logo para podermos sair. - Eat that quickly so we can leave.
     3. pron. (demonstrative, informal, Brazil) this (the thing near me; the thing mentioned that concerns me)
           Isso é muito difícil. - This is very difficult.
24 mas
     1. conj. but (introduces a clause that contradicts the implications of the previous clause)
           O livro é curto, mas bom. - The book is short, but good.
           Somos preguiçosos mas fazemos o que precisa de ser feito. - We are lazy but we do what needs to be done.
     2. conj. but (introduces the correct information for something that was denied in the previous clause)
           Fomos recebidos não com aplausos, mas pedradas. - We were not received with applause, but with rocks.
25 da
26 como  ©
     1. adv. how (in what way, manner)
           Como se frita um ovo? - How does one fry an egg?
     2. adv. why; how could (for what cause, reason, or purpose), when the action is considered reproachful
           Como fizeram isso? - How could they do this?
     3. adv. such as; like; for example: (introduces an example or list of examples)
          1. v. to eat
          2. v.          to consume meals
          3. v.          to consume a specific food
27 no
     1. pron. form of m
           q=Portugal - Eles removeram-no do grupo devido a mau comportamento da sua parte.
           q=Portugal - Costumava estar aqui um copo, mas eles partiram-no quando cá estiveram.
28 sim  ©
     1. interj. yes (affirmative answer)
           “Eles já saíram?” “Sim, saíram.” - “Have they left?” “Yes, they have.”
     2. adv. indeed; do (used for emphasis in affirmative expressions)
           Eu já li esse livro sim. - I have already read this book indeed.
           Ele matou sim o bicho. - He did kill the bug.
29 as
     1. art. feminine plural of o
     2. pron. (third person personal) them (as a direct object; the corresponding indirect object is lhes; the form used after prepositions is elas)
           Encontrei-as na rua. - I met them in the street.
     3. n. plural of a
          1. art. the masculine singular definite article
          2. pron. him, it (as a direct object; as an indirect object, see lhe; after prepositions, see ele)
30 mais  ©
     1. adv. used to form the comparative of adjectives and adverbs; more; -er
     2. adv. preceded by the definitive article, used to form the superlative of adjectives and adverbs; most; -est
     3. adv. more (to a greater degree or extent)
     4. adv. (with indefinite or interrogative pronoun) else
     5. adv. (in negative sentences) any more, any longer
31 na
     1. prep. at
     2. prep. in
     3. pron. form of f
32 você
     1. pron. (formal, semi-formal, or offensive in Portugal, informal or formal in Brazil) second-person singular personal pronoun; you
     2. pron. indefinite pronoun; you; one
           Você pode levar um cavalo até a água, mas não pode fazê-lo beber. - You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.
33 meu  ©
     1. det. first-person possessive pronoun
     2. det.          pertaining or belonging to me; my
                   o meu computador - my computer
     3. det.          that serves or interests me; my
                   o meu carro - my car
34 aqui
     1. adv. here (in this place)
     2. adv. hither (to this place)
     3. adv. here (at this time; at the present situation)
     4. adv. (slang) (used in expressions of praise or joy to refer to oneself or a group one is part of)
           Aqui é rock and roll, mano! - It is rock and roll here, bro!
35 muito  ©
     1. det. much; many; a lot of; lots of
           Tenho muitas coisas para fazer. - I have many things to do.
           Choveu muita água. - It rained a lot.
     2. det. too much; too many (an excessive amount of)
           Não gosto daqui. Tem muita gente. - I don’t like it here. There are too many people.
36 foi
     1. v. verb form of ir
     2. v. verb form of ser
     3. interj. (Brazil) indicates that an action has been undertaken; done
           — Pode enviar a mensagem? — Foi. - “Can you send the message?”, “Done.”
          1. v. (indtr, para, a, em, até, intr=1) to go (to move to a destination)
          2. v. (auxiliary) will; to be going to; forms the future tense
          1. v. (copulative) to be (to have the given quality), especially a quality that is intrinsic or not expected to change, contrasting with estar which denotes a temporary quality
          2. v. to be (to be an example or type of, or the same as)
37 estou
     1. v. verb form of estar
          1. v. (indtr, em, -another locational preposition) to be (indicates location in space)
          2. v. (copulative) to be (denotes a transient quality; a quality expected to change)
38 vamos
     1. v. verb form of ir
     2. v. (auxiliary) forms the analytic first-person plural imperative: let's
           Vamos almoçar. - Let’s have lunch.
     3. interj. let's go
     4. interj. come on! (an expression of encouragement)
          1. v. (indtr, para, a, em, até, intr=1) to go (to move to a destination)
          2. v. (auxiliary) will; to be going to; forms the future tense
39 ela  ©
     1. pron. third-person feminine singular nominative pronoun she; it
           Ela está aqui perto. - She is nearby.
     2. pron. third-person feminine singular prepositional pronoun her
           Dei flores a ela. - I gave her flowers.
     3. pron. (Brazil) third-person feminine singular pronoun used in all positions she; it; her
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