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Portuguese Sentence of the Day


Eu receberia uma bolada no rosto se ficasse lá.


I would be hit by in the face by a ball if I stayed there.


     1. pron. I (first-person singular personal pronoun)
     2. pron. (Brazil, nonstandard, highly, proscribed) first-person singular prepositional pronoun; me
     3. n-m. (chiefly philosophy) ego; self (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness)
     4. interj. Used to draw attention to oneself after having their name called.
     1. v. verb form of receber
          1. v. to get; to receive
          2. v. to collect or receive payment
          3. v. to receive (to act as a host for guests)
          4. v. to be hit by something
          5. v. (telecommunications) to receive (to detect a signal from a transmitter)
     1. num. feminine of um
     2. art. feminine singular of um
     3. pron. feminine of um
          1. num. one
          2. art. (indefinite) a, an
          3. art.          (in the plural) some; a few (a small number of)
          4. art.          (with unnouns) a bit of
          5. art.          (usually in the feminine, pronounced slowly, emphatically and with a high intonation) (indicates that what follows is exceptional); quite a; quite the
          6. n-m. the figure or digit "1": one
          7. pron. form of
          8. pron. a person; one; someone
          9. pron. element(s) of a previously mentioned class: one; some (in plural)
     1. n-f. a blow with a ball
     2. n-f. jackpot (accumulating money prize pool)
     1. pron. form of m
     1. n-m. face (part of head)
     1. pron. (third-person singular and plural reflexive pronoun); himself; herself; itself; themself; themselves
     2. pron. (informal, Brazil) (first-person singular reflexive pronoun); myself
     3. pron. (third-person singular and plural reciprocal pronoun); each other; one another
     4. pron. (informal, Brazil) (first-person plural reciprocal pronoun); each other; one another
     5. pron. (second-person singular and plural reflexive and reciprocal pronoun, when used with second-person pronouns other than tu and vós); yourself; yourselves
     6. pron. (impersonal takes a reflexive pronoun verb); oneself
     7. pron. accessory, when it is used to embellish the verb without its omission impairing the understanding.
     8. pron. particle of spontaneity, when it indicates that there was spontaneity in the action by its agent.
     9. conj. if (introduces a condition)
     10. pron. (Brazil, Internet slang) misspelling of cê; "you".
     1. v. verb form of ficar
          1. v. (copulative) to become; to get; to end up
          2. v. (indtr, em, -another locational preposition) to be in a fixed location
          3. v. (indtr, em, intr=1) to stay (at); to remain
          4. v. to remain (to be left over)
          5. v. (indtr, em) to stay (to remain in a particular place)
          6. v. (figurative, intransitive) not to go any further
          7. v. (auxiliary) forms the habitual aspect
          8. v. (indtr, com, intr=1, .Brazil, .slang) to engage in a romantic relationship with someone for one night or some short period of time
     1. adv. there (in that place, far from both the speaker and the audience)
     2. adv. used with an adverb phrase to indicate that something is far
     3. adv. (informal, in negative phrases) that; particularly (to a significant extent)
     4. adv. (informal, in interrogative phrases) even (expresses intensified disagreement with a previous sentence)
     5. n-m. (music) la (sixth note of a major scale, in solfège)
     6. interj. meaningless syllable used in joyful singing

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