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120 nem
     1. adv. not even (introduces an emphatic negation)
           Nem eu sabia disso. - Not even I knew this.
     2. adv. do not even (introduces an emphatic negative command)
           Nem pense em fazer isso. - Don’t even think about doing this.
     3. adv. neither … nor
121 sabe
     1. v. verb form of saber
          1. v. to know
          2. v.          to be aware of a fact
          3. v.          to be aware of a value or piece of information
122 mãe  ©
     1. n-f. mother (female who gives birth to or parents a child)
           (coord, pai)
     2. n-f. one's mother
           Mãe, a senhora viu meus óculos? - Mom, have you seen my glasses?
     3. n-f. (figurative) mother (source or origin)
123 vida
     1. n-f. life
     2. n-f.          state of being alive
                   A vida é bela! - Life is beautiful!
     3. n-f.          lifetime (period during which someone is alive or something exists)
                   Uma pessoa no ínicio de sua vida se chama criança. - A person is called a child during the beginning of his life.
124 alguém
     1. pron. somebody; someone (some person)
     2. n-m. (rare) a person
125 sem
     1. prep. -less; without (not having, containing, characteristic of, etc.)
           um livro sem capa - a book without a cover
           casa sem janelas - windowless house
     2. prep. (followed by infinitive) without (not doing or not having done something)
           Ele gosta de comer tudo sem dividir. - He likes to eat everything without sharing.
126 olá  ©
     1. interj. hello; hi (greeting)
127 anos
     1. n. plural of ano
          1. n-m. year
128 alguma
     1. pron. feminine singular of algum
          1. pron. form of f=alguma
          2. pron. some, any
129 ti
     1. pron. of tu
           Dá-los-ei a ti. - I will give them to you.
     2. adj. (lexicography) transitivo indireto
130 algo
     1. pron. something (unspecified object)
     2. adv. rather, somewhat
131 das
     1. contraction. contraction of;de as;;of/from the (feminine plural);nodot=1: feminine plural of do
132 homem
     1. n-m. male (human of masculine gender)
     2. n-m. (specifically) man (adult male human)
     3. n-m. a person; a human being
     4. n-m. (with definite article o) mankind (the human race in its entirety)
           O homem conquistará o espaço. - Mankind shall conquer space.
133 dele
     1. contraction. contraction of de ele (of him; his)
134 senhor
     1. n-m. mister (title conferred to an adult male)
           Dei o livro ao senhor João. - I gave the book to mister John.
     2. n-m. sir (address to any male)
           Não irei, senhor. - I won’t go, sir.
     3. n-m. (military) sir (address to a military superior)
135 estar
     1. v. (indtr, em, -another locational preposition) to be (indicates location in space)
           Onde estás? - Where are you?
           Estou em casa. - I am at home.
     2. v. (copulative) to be (denotes a transient quality; a quality expected to change)
           O tempo estava frio. - The weather was cold (at that moment).
136 coisas
     1. n. plural of coisa
     2. v. verb form of coisar
          1. v. (informal, humorous) A placeholder verb used when the speaker doesn't remember a specific verb, and whose meaning can be inferred through context.
          1. n-f. thing (a physical object, entity or situation)
          2. n-f. thingamajig; gizmo, thingy (something whose name is unknown)
137 boa
     1. adj. feminine singular of bom
     2. n-f. an interesting story, joke or news
     3. interj. good one!, well done!, all right! (expresses approval, applause or admiration)
     4. n-f. boa (any snake of the (ll, Boa) genus)
          1. adj. good
          2. adj.          desirable, positive, advantageous
          3. adj.          (in reference to senses) pleasant, enjoyable, (of food) tasty
          4. adj.          (of a person) kind, generous, acting morally
138 tinha
     1. v. verb form of ter
          1. v. to have
          2. v.          to own; to possess; to have; to have got
          3. v.          to be rich, to have plenty of money; or, to have enough money to live comfortably
139 vocês
     1. pron. you (second-person plural personal pronoun)
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