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61 a partir de
          1. prep. from, as of, starting from, beginning, starting in, beginning in (time-related)
                a partir de hoy - starting today, as of today
                En este estado se puede manejar a partir de los 16 años. - In this state you can drive starting at 16.
          2. prep. based on, from, on the basis of
                Estas empresas crean sus pautas a partir de su interpretación de las investigaciones actuales. - These companies create their guidelines based on their interpretation of current research.
62 acerca de
          1. prep. about, concerning
                hablamos acerca de muchas cosas - we talk about many things
63 favor de
          1. prep. please (used before the infinitive of a verb)
                Favor de traerme un café. - Bring me a coffee, please.
64 en lugar de
          1. prep. instead of
65 yo también
          1. Phrase. me too
66 por lo tanto
          1. adv. thus, so, as such (in this way or manner)
          2. adv. consequently, thereby, accordingly
          3. adv. therefore, hence
67 por lo demás
          1. adv. otherwise, in all other respects
68 ser humano
          1. n-m. human being
69 a propósito
          1. adj. apropos; suitable (qual, typically followed by "de" or "para")
          2. adv. by the way, incidentally
                (synonyms, por cierto, de paso)
                A propósito, ¿cuándo dará a luz tu prima? - By the way, when will your cousin give birth?
          3. adv. on purpose, purposely
70 a pie
          1. adv. on foot, walking
71 de nada
          1. interj. think nothing of it, you're welcome, don't mention it, no worries (informal), my pleasure
72 hacia atrás
          1. adv. backwards
73 a lo mejor
          1. adv. (idiom) maybe, perhaps
74 de acuerdo con
          1. prep. according to
                Debes jugar de acuerdo con las normas. - You should play according to the rules.
75 a caballo
          1. adv. on horseback; on the back of a horse
          2. adv. halfway (between); in the middle
                Se sitúa a caballo entre la gama media y la alta - It lies between the mid range and the top range
76 de hecho
          1. adv. in fact, actually, indeed, as a matter of fact
77 mientras tanto
          1. adv. in the meantime, meanwhile
                Mientras tanto, los trabajadores instalaron barricadas. - Meanwhile, the workers installed barricades.
78 a tiempo
          1. adv. in time, at the opportune moment
          2. adv. on time, in time, not late
                Llegué a tiempo de ver la película. - I got there in time to see the film.
79 tener que
80 de golpe
          1. adv. suddenly; all of a sudden
81 ahora mismo
          1. adv. right now, just now, immediately
                Hágalo ahora mismo - Do it right away
82 tu madre
          1. interj. (pejorative, slang) a catch-all retort; shut the fuck up
                ―¿Qué hora es? ―Tu madre. - ―What time is it? ―Your mother.
83 con frecuencia
84 día a día
          1. adv. day-to-day, day by day
          2. n-m. day-to-day
          3. n-m. everyday life
85 darse cuenta
          1. v. (indtr, .idiomatic) to notice, to realize, to figure out, to pick up on
                Al fin me di cuenta de que estaba perdido. - I finally realized I was lost.
                Pocos pueden darse cuenta de sus defectos. - Few people can recognize their faults.
86 o sea
          1. adv. (informal) I mean; that is to say (used to introduce a new idea or explain a previous one)
87 todo lo demás
88 Dios mío
          1. interj. my God!; oh my God! (an expression of shock or surprise)
89 en voz baja
          1. adv. quietly, under one's breath
90 para nada
          1. adv. not at all, absolutely not
                ¡No, para nada! - No, not at all!
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