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Spanish Sentence of the Day


En este estado se puede manejar a partir de los 16 años.


In this state you can drive from the age of 16 years.


     1. prep. in, at, on
     2. prep. in (a time)
     3. prep. in (a language)
     4. prep. used after some verbs and translated by various prepositions in English
     5. prep. in (in various expressions)
     1. det. this
     2. pron. Alternative spelling of éste
     3. interj. uh, well (space filler in a conversation)
     4. n-m. east
          1. v. third-person singular present indicative of ser; (he/she/it/one) is
          2. n. plural of e
          1. v. to be (essentially or identified as)
          2. v. to be (in the passive voice sense)
          3. v. to exist; to occur
          4. n-m. a being, organism
          5. n-m. nature, essence
          6. n-m. value, worth
          1. pron. dative of tú: to you, for you
          2. pron. accusative of tú: you
          3. pron. : yourself
     1. n-m. country, land (any broad area or territory)
     2. n-m. (proscribed) alt case, Estado, , state, a territory with a formally recognized sovereign government; administration, its government
     3. n-m. state (a province, particularly a fairly autonomous one within a federation)
     4. n-m. state, status (a condition)
     5. n-m. (historical) estado, Spanish fathom (a traditional unit of length equivalent to about 167 cm)
     6. Participle. past participle of estar
          1. v. to be (have a temporary or permanent location in space)
          2. v. to be (denotes a copula, in a transient fashion)
          3. v. to be (auxiliary verb for the progressive/continuous aspect, preceding the gerund of the verb)
          4. v. to be in a state (in a passive voice sense)
          5. v. to be, stay (denotes a copula, in a transient fashion)
          6. v. to be to be done, to be (still) undone:
          7. v. to be in a long-term state (in specific idioms)
     1. pron. (third person (also used for usted and ustedes) reflexive direct or indirect object) oneself, himself, herself, itself, yourself; each other; one another
     2. pron. (used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person and with) usted and ustedes
     3. pron. (used instead of indirect object pronouns) le and les (before the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, or las)
     4. v. misspelling of sé
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of poder
          1. v. to be able, can
          2. v. (El Salvador, colloquial, reflexive) to be familiar with something, or with somebody's personality
          3. n-m. power, reign
          4. n-m. authorization
          5. n-m. proxy (written certificate of authority to act for another)
se puede
     1. Phrase. may I?
     1. v. to handle
     2. v. to manage
     3. v. (Latin America, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea) to drive (a vehicle)
     1. prep. to
     2. prep. by
     3. prep. at
     4. prep. ng-lite, Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
     1. v. to divide, split
     2. v. to go away, leave, depart
     3. v. to crack up, have a laugh
     4. v. to fall in love
     5. v. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to crack open (e.g., one's head)
     1. prep. of; 's; (used after the thing owned and before the owner)
     2. prep. from (with the source or provenance of or at)
     3. prep. of (expressing composition, substance)
     4. prep. about (concerning; with regard to)
     5. prep. of, from (indicating cause)
     6. prep. of (indicates a quality or characteristic)
     7. prep. from (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
     8. prep. of (indicates the subject or cause of the adjective)
     9. prep. from (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
     10. prep. than (in certain phrases)
     11. prep. (used to construct compound nouns (with attributive nouns))
     12. prep. (followed by the infinitive) (indicates a conditional desire)
     13. prep. indicates a time of day or period of someone's life
     14. prep. (after a noun and before a verb) (indicates the purpose of an object)
a partir de
     1. prep. from, as of, starting from, beginning, starting in, beginning in (time-related)
     2. prep. based on, from, on the basis of
     1. art. the
     2. pron. accusative of ellos and ustedes (when referring to more than one man); them, you all (formal)
     3. pron. plural masculine or neuter pronoun
     1. n. plural of año
          1. n-m. year
          2. n-m. (a certain) age

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