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211 a conciencia
          1. adv. (idiom) carefully, meticulously
                (coi, preparar a conciencia)
212 no hablo
213 cuestión de tiempo
          1. n-f. a matter of time
214 hijo de puta
          1. n-m. (pejorative, vulgar, idiom) son of a bitch (an objectionable, despicable person and any objectionable thing)
          2. n-m. (pejorative, vulgar, idiom) motherfucker
          3. interj. (pejorative, vulgar) son of a bitch!
215 trabajos forzados
          1. n. plural of trabajo forzado
216 espina dorsal
          1. n-f. (anatomy) spine, backbone (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord)
          2. n-f. (figurative) backbone (fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure)
217 de parte de
          1. prep. from, on behalf of
218 dolor de cabeza
          1. n-m. (literal) headache (pain or ache in the head)
          2. n-m. (figuratively, idiom) pain in the neck (something which is irritating)
219 violencia doméstica
          1. n-f. domestic violence
220 agua bendita
          1. n-f. (Christianity) holy water
221 te amo
          1. Phrase. I love you (affirmation of romantic feeling)
          2. Phrase. I love you (affection and caring of family members or friends)
222 tercera edad
          1. n-f. old age, retirement age
223 por sí solo
          1. adv. on one's own
224 papel moneda
          1. n-m. paper money
225 metro cuadrado
          1. n-m. square metre; square meter (US)
226 buen gusto
          1. n-m. good taste; preference for beautiful, aesthetic or artistic things
                Tienes buen gusto para la música. - You have good taste in music.
          2. n-m. preference for beautiful or attractive people
                Tengo buenos gustos, por eso no salgo con él. - I like attractive men, so I won’t date him.
227 viento solar
          1. n-m. (astronomy) solar wind
228 en balde
          1. adv. (idiom) in vain, for nothing
229 en polvo
230 tomar en cuenta
          1. v. to take into account; to keep in mind
                Tienes que tomar en cuenta que a veces completar un libro significa tener que empezar otro. - You should keep in mind that sometimes finishing a book means having to start another.
          2. v. to pay attention to, to mind
231 naves espaciales
          1. n. plural of nave espacial
232 a popa
          1. adv. abaft
233 armas de fuego
          1. n. plural of arma de fuego
234 acabar de
          1. v. (idiomatic, +infinitive) to have just done something
                Acabo de dormir ocho horas pero todavía estoy cansada. - I just slept eight hours but I still feel tired.
235 recién nacido
          1. adj. newborn
          2. n-m. newborn
236 altas horas
          1. n. small hours; the very early morning, just after midnight, when most people are asleep, ungodly hours
237 sin forma
238 dentadura postiza
          1. n-f. (dentistry) denture, false teeth
239 dar vuelta
          1. v. to turn, turn around
          2. v. to flip
240 mundo real
          1. n-m. real world
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