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240 cielo  ©
     1. n-m. sky
     2. n-m. heaven
241 solo
     1. adj. sole, only, unique, single
     2. adj. lonely, lonesome
     3. adj. alone, by oneself
     4. adj. automatic; self-, by itself
           La máquina se lava sola. - The machine washes itself.; The machine is self-washing.
242 están
     1. v. third-person plural present indicative of estar
243 paso
     1. adj. dried (said of fruit)
     2. n-m. pace (rough distance of a brisk stride)
     3. n-m. (historical, measure) paso, Spanish pace (a traditional unit of length equivalent to about 1.4 m)
     4. n-m. step (in a set of instructions)
     5. n-m. way, passage
244 silencio
     1. n-m. silence
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of silenciar
245 horas
     1. n. plural of hora
246 cuanto
     1. pron. whatever quantity, as much, however much
           Dame cuanto tengas. - Give me however many you have.
     2. det. as much of; as many; however much; however many
           Bebe cuanta agua quieres. - Drink as much water as you want.
     3. det. (after “unos”) few; quite a few; a handful
247 sol  ©
     1. n-m. sun
     2. n-m. sunlight
     3. n-m. sunny side (of a place)
           quítate del sol (get out of the sun)
     4. n-m. daylight (the time between sunrise and sunset)
248 sabe
     1. v. informal second-person singular positive imperative of saber
249 nosotros
     1. pron. we (masculine plural)
     2. pron. (disjunctive, locative) ourselves
250 mío
     1. pron. mine
           ¿De quién son estos libros? — Son míos. Los tuyos están en la mesa. - Whose books are these? — They're mine. Yours are on the table.
     2. det. (predicative or after the noun) mine, my
           Ese libro grande es mío. - That big book is mine.
           No es lo mío. - It's not my thing.
251 otras
     1. det. feminine plural of otro
     2. interj. feminine plural of otro
     3. pron. feminine plural of otro
252 buen
     1. adj. (before the noun) apocopic form of bueno t=good, fine
253 has
     1. v. informal second-person singular present indicative of haber
254 cierto
     1. adj. (of a person) true
     2. adj. (of a claim) true
           Cierto o falso: la mayoría de los Españoles son hispanohablantes. - True or false: the majority of Spanish people are Spanish speakers.
           Es cierto que ambos tienen razón. - It's true that both of them are right.
     3. det. a certain, a specific
255 nuestra
     1. det. feminine singular of nuestro
     2. pron. feminine singular of nuestro
256 nuestro
     1. pron. ours
     2. det. our, ours, to us
     3. det. (royal) our, ours, to us (as the royal we)
257 estoy
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of estar; am.
258 cuatro
     1. num. four
     2. n-m. a four-stringed guitar with the first string a fifth below, instead of a fourth above, the second
259 posible
     1. adj. possible
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