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20 om  ©
     1. conj. if
     2. prep. about
           en bok om tåg - a book about trains
           Vi har pratat om dig - We have talked about you
           Vad pratar de om? - What are they talking about?
21 dig  ©
     1. pron. you (objective case, singular)
           Jag såg dig aldrig där. - I never saw you there.
     2. pron. reflexive case of du: compare yourself
           Skulle du vilja lära dig jonglera? - Would you like to learn how to juggle?
           Skar du dig på kniven? - Did you cut yourself on the knife?
22 var  ©
     1. adv. where; at which place
           Var är mina nycklar? - Where are my keys?
           Var var jag? - Where was I?
     2. conj. where; the situation in which
     3. det. (dated) every
23 den  ©
     1. pron. it
     2. pron. that
     3. pron. he or she
     4. art. (before an adjective preceding a noun) the
           den röda bilen - the red car
     1. adv. so, like that, in such a way
           Är det inte så? - Isn't it so?
           en så kallad skruvboll - a so-called curve ball
           Kolla hur jag hoppar och hoppa (så) som jag gör - Look at how I jump and jump like me ("jump (in such a way) as I do" – the så is redundant)
     2. adv. so, alright (to indicate that something is finished)
25 till  ©
     1. prep. to
           Välkommen till Sverige! - Welcome to Sweden
           Ge den till mig. - Give it to me.
           Vi behöver två till fem nya datorer. - We need two to five new computers.
     2. prep. for
26 kan  ©
     1. v. present of kunna
27 de  ©
     1. pron. they
     2. pron. misspelling of dem
     3. art. the, a definite article used in the beginning of noun phrases containing attributive adjectives and nouns in the plural. This article is used together with the definite suffix of the noun to indicate
           de gröna bilarna - the green cars
28 ni
     1. pron. you (plural nominative), "y'all".
     2. pron. you (second-person singular nominative formal) (capitalized Ni, rare in modern use)
     3. pron.          (obsolete) title used when addressing a person of lower social rank
                   –Ni kan börja med att städa kontoret, fröken Andersson.–Javisst, Herr Direktör. - –You can start with cleaning the office, miss Andersson.–Certai
     4. pron. (colloquial perceived formal derogatory to some) by some considered a respectful alternative to du, , you, especially when addressing customers or the elderly
29 ska
     1. n-c. ska; a style of dance music
     2. v. will, be going to; denotes a promise or strong intent to perform an action in the future
           Imorgon ska vi mata tigrar - Tomorrow, we're going to feed tigers
           Jag ska göra det imorgon. Jag lovar! - I will do it tomorrow. I promise!
     3. v. shall, have to; be required to
30 ett  ©
     1. art. The neuter indefinite article.
     2. num. one
31 men  ©
     1. conj. but; introducing a clause that contrasts with the preceding clause, sentence or common belief.
     2. conj. yet, but, however
           John har bott i staden i fem år, men aldrig besökt slottet. - John has lived in the city for five years, yet never visited the castle.
     3. n-n. a handicap, long-time remnant of a physical or mental injury, which affects a person negatively
32 av  ©
     1. prep. sv-prep
     2. prep. from
           Jag fick den av Tomas. - I got it from Tomas. (Tomas gave it to me.)
     3. prep. by (in construction of the passive voice).
           Huset målades av honom. - The house was painted by him.
33 vill
     1. adj. (dated) lost (not knowing place or directions)
     2. v. present indicative of vilja
34 nu
     1. adv. now, at this moment
     2. adv. topics, Time
35 ja  ©
     1. adv. yes
     2. n-n. a yes, an aye; a positive answer or vote
36 vet
     1. v. present of veta; know, knows
           Jag vet inte. - I do not know.
     2. v. imperative of veta
           Vet hut!
37 nej  ©
     1. adv. no; a negative answer
           Nej, jag har inga pengar med mig. - No, I have no money with me.
     2. n-n. a no, a nay; a negative answer or vote
38 bara  ©
     1. adj. singular definite of bar
     2. adj. plural of bar
     3. adv. just, only
           Jag ska bara läsa den här sidan också. - I'll just read this page too.
           Vi har bara en bil. - We have only one car.
39 hon  ©
     1. pron. she; (the third-person, singular, feminine pronoun in the nominative case)
           Hon är mycket vacker. - She is very beautiful.
     2. pron. it (for certain nouns that were feminine in Old Swedish)
           Vad är hon? - What (time) is it?
           Går hon bra? - Is it (the car) working all right?
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