1. v. to sit; to move oneself into a sitting position
Jag satte mig på stolen - I sat down on the chair
Sätt dig upp! - Sit up!
2. v. to put or place; to make to stick or adhere to
Han satte klistermärket på armen - He put the sticker on his arm
1. adj. (in the expression below) ready
i reda pengar - in cash (ready money)
2. n-c. (in some expressions) a state with things in order, order, orderliness
Han försökte bringa reda i röran i garaget - He tried to sort out the mess in the garage
göra reda för sig - to tell what's going on, to give account of one's business (fairly uncommon)
1. n. noun form of skola, , def, s
1. adv. (comparative längre, superlative längst) down, below, downstairs, at the far end of
2. adv. (colloquial) down, sad, depressed (of humans)
3. adv. (not comparable) down, offline, not available (of computers and online services)
tjänsten ligger nere - the service is down
Webbsajten kommer att vara nere imorgon bitti. Den planerade nertiden är två timmar. Sajten tas/stängs ner klockan 8. - The website will be down tomorrow morning. The planned downtime is two ho