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620 undrar
     1. v. present indicative of undra
621 flera  ©
     1. adj. Alternative form of fler
     2. det. multiple, many, several
           Flera biltillverkare har haft ekonomiska problem.
             Several auto manufacturers have had economic problems.
622 sitta  ©
     1. v. to sit (be in a position with the upper body upright and the legs resting)
           Hon bör sitta i båten. - She should be sitting in the boat.
     2. v. (politics) to sit (be a member of a committee or a deliberative body)
623 satt
     1. adj. (about a person) short and wide; "compact".
     2. Participle. past participle of sätta
     3. v. past indicative of sitta
     4. v. of sätta
           Det hade satt fint med en korv. - It would've been nice with a hot dog.
624 sida  ©
     1. n-c. side; a bounding straight edge or surface
           En kub har sex sidor. - A cube has six sides.
     2. n-c. side; a region in a specified position with respect to something.
     3. n-c. a particular cut of a slaughtered animal
     4. n-c. side; one group of competitors in a game or a war.
625 medan  ©
     1. conj. while; during the same time that
626 blod  ©
     1. n-n. blood
627 trött
     1. adj. tired
628 svara
     1. v. to answer, to reply, to respond
629 order  ©
     1. n-c. an order (command)
     2. n-c. an order (request for some product or service – often of a larger or more involved order)
           Företaget hade fått en order på femton bussar - The company had received an order for fifteen busses
630 älskade
     1. v. past indicative of älska
631 igår
     1. adv. yesterday
632 lägga
     1. v. to place lying (to lay) somewhere; in particular used like English put for things that either lie down flat or where the eventual orientation does not matter, such as in a heap
           Lägg jeansen på sängen! - Put the jeans on the bed!
           Lägg boken på bordet! - Put the book on the table! (Assumed to mean lying down in English.)
           ställa - Ställ boken på bordet!
           Lägg boken i högen! - Put the book in the heap!
633 allihop
     1. pron. everybody, everyone, all people
634 små
     1. adj. plural of liten
           De små männen - The small men
           Tre små grisar - Three small pigs
635 inom
     1. prep. within (in time)
           Jag kommer inom fem minuter. - I'll be there within five minutes.
     2. prep. within (in space)
           Alla ska befinna sig inom armlängds avstånd ifrån varandra. - Everyone ought to be within arm length distance from each other.
636 kära
     1. adj. singular definite of kär
     2. adj. plural of kär
     3. v. to sue, to indict, to petition
     4. v. (colloquial) to fall in love (in the expression: kära ner sig)
637 land  ©
     1. n-n. a land, a country, a nation, a state
     2. n-n. land, ground, earth, territory; as opposed to sea or air
           Land i sikte! - Land ho!
           Efter kriget tvangs förlorande staterna avträda mycket land. - After the war, the losing states had to cede much land.
     3. n-n. land, countryside, earth, ground suitable for farming; as opposed to towns and cities
638 val  ©
     1. n-c. a whale
     2. n-n. a choice
           Du har inget val - You don't have a choice
     3. n-n. an election, Government Offices of Sweden
     4. n-c. (obsolete) the fallen; casualties of a war or battle
639 alltså
     1. adv. therefore, thus, consequently
           Han var skadad, alltså kan han inte ha gjort det - He was injured, so he can't have done it
           Jag tänker, alltså finns jag - I think, therefore I am
     2. adv. that is, that is to say, (by being synonymous with that is in some cases) in other words, I mean
           Jag har en golden retriever, alltså en hund - I have a golden retriever. A dog, that is to say.
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