980 |
kallade |
1. adj. singular definite of kallad |
2. adj. plural of kallad |
3. v. past indicative of kalla |
981 |
dricker |
1. v. present indicative of dricka |
982 |
doktor |
© |
1. n-c. doctor; physician |
2. n-c. doctor; person who has achieved a graduate degree such as a Ph.D. or a Th.D. |
983 |
vann |
1. n-n. (Scania) water; body of water |
2. v. past indicative of vinna |
984 |
förlorar |
1. v. present indicative of förlora |
985 |
pistol |
1. n-c. a pistol (gun) |
986 |
slags |
1. n. noun form of slag, , indef, gen, s |
2. n. noun form of slag, , indef, gen, p |
987 |
mördare |
1. n-c. a murderer |
988 |
skönt |
1. n. singular indefinite of skön |
989 |
handen |
1. n. noun form of hand, , def, s |
990 |
gode |
1. adj. singular definite of god |
991 |
ändra |
1. v. to change, to modify |
2. v. to change one's mind |
992 |
lärt |
1. adj. singular indefinite of lärd |
2. v. of lära |
993 |
delar |
1. n. noun form of del, , indef, p |
2. v. present indicative of dela |
994 |
unge |
1. adj. singular definite of ung |
2. n-c. a young; an offspring of animals (or people) |
En gullig björnunge - A cute bear cub |
3. n-c. (slightly, colloquial) a child, a kid |
Har du sett min unge? - Have you seen my kid? |
995 |
flickvän |
1. n-c. girlfriend, female romantic partner |
996 |
flyga |
1. v. to fly |
997 |
överste |
1. adj. singular definite of överst |
2. n-c. (military) a colonelR:Utrikes namnbok |
3. n-c. (military) a group captain (in the British Royal Air Force) |
998 |
lag |
1. n-c. a law; a written or understood rule that concerns behaviours and the appropriate consequences thereof. Laws are usually associated with mores. |
2. n-c. law; the body of written rules governing a society. |
3. n-c. a law; a one-sided contract. |
4. n-c. a law; an observed physical law. |
5. n-c. (mathematics) a law; a statement that is true under specified conditions. |
999 |
stackars |
1. adj. (only used attributively) poor (to be pitied) |
Stackars liten! - Poor little thing! |
2. n. noun form of stack, , indef, gen, p |