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140 borde
     1. v. past indicative of böra
141 menar
     1. v. present indicative of mena
142 själv
     1. pron. oneself, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself
           Jag gjorde det själv - I did it myself
           Kolla dig själv i spegeln - Look yourself in the mirror
     2. n-n. self, (one's own) personality (the essential qualities that make a person or a thing distinct from all others)
     3. adv. alone, by herself, by himself, by itself, by myself, by oneself, by yourself
143 va
     1. n. water supply and sewage; abbreviation of vatten och avlopp
     2. interj. huh? what? A request that the speaker repeat their last statement, or an expression of disbelief.contraction of vad
           Va? - What did you say?
     3. v. (colloquial) apocopic form of vara
           Jag vill inte va tomte i år! - I don't want to be Santa this year!
144 alltid  ©
     1. adv. (topics, Time) always
           Sigge har alltid varit lång. - Sigge has always been tall.
145 dina
     1. pron. plural of din
146 hem  ©
     1. adv. home; to one's home
           Det är dags att gå hem. - It is time to go home.
     2. n-n. a home; one's dwelling place, as in a house or a more general geographical place; the abiding place of the affections.
     3. n-n. a home; an institution
147 gjort
     1. adj. singular indefinite of gjord
     2. v. of göra
148 ville
     1. v. past indicative of vilja
149 såg  ©
     1. n-c. saw; a tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal (topics, Saws)
     2. n-c. sawmill
     3. v. past indicative of se
150 dom
     1. n-c. (legal) conviction, judgement of court, sentence, verdict, doom
     2. n-c. doomsday, the final judgement
     3. n-c. dome
151 verkligen  ©
     1. adv. really, truly
           Den här hamburgaren är verkligen jättegod - This hamburger is really super good
           Behövs den där verkligen? - Is that one really needed?
           Det här är verkligen en skandal - This is truly a scandal
           – Det där gick inte så bra. – Nej, verkligen inte! - – That didn't go so well. – No, it really didn't!
152 titta  ©
     1. v. (without any particle) to look; keep one's eyes open as to be able to see
           Titta inte! Blunda!
             Don't look! Close your eyes!
     2. v. (with an unstressed "på") to look (to try to see something)
           Att titta på tv.
153 dag  ©
     1. n-c. a day
     2. n-c. a day, the period of time between sunrise and sunset, daytime
154 utan  ©
     1. prep. without
           Att inte beakta finansmarknadens djuppsykologiska dimensioner uppfattas mer och mer som att spela Hamlet utan prinsen av Danmark.
             To not take into account the deep psychological dimensions of the finance market is regarded more and more like playing Hamlet without the prince of Denmark.
     2. conj. but
           Huset är inte rött utan blått
155 fel  ©
     1. adj. wrong, incorrect, erroneous
           Fel svar ger inga poäng. - A wrong answer gives no points.
     2. adv. wrong, wrongly, incorrectly, erroneously
           Hon svarade fel på hälften av frågorna. - She answered wrong on half of the questions.
           Planen slog fel. - The plan failed.
156 tre  ©
     1. num. three
157 visst
     1. interj. sure
           – Har du tid att hjälpa mig lite snabbt? – Visst, inga problem! - – Do you have time to give me a quick hand? – Sure, no problem!
     2. adv. with certainty, certainly (often after someone has expressed doubt)
           Det är det visst det! - Yes it is!
     3. adv. apparently
158 prata  ©
     1. v. to talk, to speak (informally)
           Har du pratat med din bror om den där bilen han skulle sälja?
             Have you spoken to your brother about that car he intended to sell?
159 vår  ©
     1. pron. our; belonging to us
     2. n-c. spring; the season between winter and summer
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