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Das englische Wort für Fall ist


Englische Definition

     1. subst. fall, drop (the act of falling or an instance thereof)
           freier Fall - free fall
     2. subst. fall, capture (the act of being seized by enemy forces)
           der Fall von Konstantinopel - the fall of Constantinople
     3. subst. fall; the loss of one's innocence, honour, reputation, fortune, etc.
     4. subst. case (actual event, situation, or fact)
           Im Falle eines Falles. - in case of an emergency.
     5. subst. case (instance or event as a topic of study)
     6. subst. case (piece of work subject to case handling in an authority, court, customer support etc.)
     7. subst.          (medicine) case (instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms)
     8. subst. (grammar) case (kind of inflection of a nominal)
     9. subst. (nautical) halyard

Übersetzungen für Fall und ihre Definitionen

case ©
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Fall (m)
     3. [2] (Recht) Fall (m)
     4. [3] Kasten (m), Kiste (f)
     5. [4] Behälter (m)
     6. [5] Schachtel (f)
     7. [6] Futteral (n)
     8. [7] Etui (n), Brillenetui (n)
     9. [8] Mappe (f), Schreibmappe (f)
     10. [9] Bezug (m), Kissenbezug (m), Überzug (m)
     11. [10] (Technik) Mantel (m), Verkleidung (f)
           [1] „Nouns in the English tongue have only two different terminations for cases, viz. the nominative and the genitive.
Nom. a man
Gen. a man's.
The others are expressed by prepositions.“
           [1] "To this I reply, that it is no way applicable to the case; for my lord of Orleans never intruded on any other's domination, by Violence, nor did he attempt to usurp the power and authority of the king."

fall ©
     1. Verb:
     2. [1] fallen
           [1] Suddenly he fell on the ground.
             Plötzlich fiel er auf den Boden.
           [1] "The season was cold and rainy, and in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts, which happened to fall into our hands."
     3. Substantiv:
     4. [1] vor allem (US-amerikanisch) Herbst
     5. [2] nur Plural: Wasserfall

tumble ©
     1. (ihr) stolpert
     2. Sturz, Fall
     3. stolpern, herunterstürzen

instance ©
     1. Beispiel, Fall

jeer ©
     1. (wir) spotten

grammatical case

drop ©
     1. Verb:
     2. [1] fallen lassen, fallen, herunterfallen
     3. [2] Stimme: sich legen
     4. [3] tropfen, tröpfeln
     5. [4] Tätigkeit: aufhören mit
     6. [5] Last und Passagiere: absetzen
     7. [6] Buchstaben: auslassen
     8. [7] Sport: Punkte oder Ähnliches abgeben
     9. [8] hinwerfen
     10. [9] Tränen vergießen
     11. [10] mit jemandem Schluss machen
     12. [11] nachlassen
     13. [12] Schule: ein Fach abwählen
           [1] The kid dropped the cup of tea.
             Das Kind ließ die Tasse Tee fallen.
           [1] "He was clearly so scared by his mischance in breaking the window and by the approach of Peterson that he thought of nothing but flight, but since then he must have bitterly regretted the impulse which caused him to drop his bird."

decline ©
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Rückgang, Abnahme, Niedergang, Verfall
     3. [2] (körperlicher) Verfall, Nachlassen der Gesundheit
           [1] When we take it with the decline of his fortunes, it seems to indicate some evil influence.
             When wir den Verlust seiner Reichtümer in unsere Überlegungen miteinbeziehen, deutet es darauf hin, dass ein teuflischer Einfluss am Werk ist.
     4. Verb:
     5. intransitiv
     6. [1] verfallen, verblassen
     7. [2] nachlassen, abnehmen, geringer werden
     8. [3] zurückgehen (Preise), sinken, fallen
     9. [4] ablehnen
     10. [5] deklinieren
     11. transitives Verb
     12. [6] ablehnen, ausschlagen

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