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Das englische Wort für Ring ist


Englische Definition

     1. subst. a ring (a circular and hollow object, made of any material.)
     2. subst. a ring (small jewelry worn on the finger (usually composed of precious metals))
     3. subst. a ring (a group of people, often involved into criminal and illegal actions)
     4. subst. (mathematics) a ring (algebraic structure)
     5. subst. (geometry) a ring (planar geometrical figure)
     6. subst. (heraldry) an annulet (ring used as a charge)
     7. subst. (astronomy) a ring (a collection of material orbiting a planet)
     8. subst. (sports) a ring (a place where events such as wrestling and boxing take place)
     9. subst. a street that encircles a city where once the old town walls have been; a boulevard.

Übersetzungen für Ring und ihre Definitionen

     1. anrufen
     2. Ring

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     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Kragen
     3. [2] Kette, Halsband, Halskette
     4. [3] Kummet, Halfter
     5. [4] (Technik) Lager
     6. [5] (Küche) Rollfleisch


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