Das englische Wort für Finger ist

Englische Definition
Finger | |
1. n-m. finger |
Übersetzungen für Finger und ihre Definitionen
finger | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Anatomie: der Finger | |||
[1] How many fingers am I holding up? | |||
Wie viele Finger zeige ich? | |||
3. Verb: | |||
4. [1] fingern (zur sexuellen Erregung der Frau) | |||
[1] She wanted him to finger her? | |||
Sie wollte, dass er die fingert? |
finger | ![]() | ||
1. subst. (anatomy) A slender jointed extremity of the human hand, (often) exclusive of the thumb. | |||
Humans have two hands and ten fingers. Each hand has one thumb and four fingers. | |||
2. subst. (zoology) Similar or similar-looking extremities in other animals, particularly: | |||
3. subst. The lower, smaller segment of an arthropod claw. | |||
4. subst. One of the supporting structures of wings in birds, bats, etc. evolved from earlier toes or fingers. | |||
5. subst. One of the slender bony structures before the pectoral fins of gurnards and sea robin, pl=s (Triglidae). | |||
6. subst. Something similar in shape to the human finger, particularly: | |||
7. subst. (cuisine) Finger-shaped pieces of food. | |||
chocolate fingers; fish fingers; cheese fingers | |||
8. subst. (chemistry) A tube extending from a sealed system, or sometimes into one in the case of a cold finger. | |||
9. subst. (UK regional, botany, usually in plural, obsolete) (altname, foxglove) (D. purpurea). | |||
10. subst. Something similarly extending, (especially) from a larger body, particularly: | |||
a finger of land; a finger of smoke | |||
11. subst. (botany) Various protruding plant structures, as a banana from its hand. | |||
12. subst. (anatomy, obsolete) A lobe of the liver. | |||
13. subst. (historical) The teeth parallel to the blade of a scythe, fitted to a wooden frame called a crade. | |||
14. subst. The projections of a reaper or mower which similarly separate the stalks for cutting. | |||
15. subst. (nautical) (clipping of finger pier): a shorter, narrower pier projecting from a larger dock. | |||
16. subst. (aviation) (altname, jet bridge): the narrow elevated walkway connecting a plane to an airport. | |||
17. subst. Something similar in function or agency to the human finger, (usually) with regard to touching, grasping, or pointing. | |||
18. subst. (obsolete) (altname, hand), the part of a clock pointing to the hour, minute, or second. | |||
19. subst. (US, obsolete slang) A policeman or prison guard. | |||
20. subst. (US, rare slang) An informer to the police, (especially) one who identifies a criminal during a lineup. | |||
21. subst. (US, rare slang) A criminal who scouts for prospective victims and targets or who performs reconnaissance before a crime. | |||
22. subst. (units of measure) Various units of measure based or notionally based on the adult human finger, particularly | |||
23. subst. (historical) (altname, digit): former units of measure notionally based on its width but variously standardized, (especially) the English digit of frac | |||
24. subst. (historical) A unit of length notionally based on the length of an adult human's middle finger, standardized as 4½(nbsp)inches (11.43nbspcm). | |||
25. subst. (historical) (altname, digit): frac, 1, 12 the observed diameter of the sun or moon, (especially) with regard to eclipses. | |||
26. subst. (originally US) An informal measure of alcohol based on its height in a given glass compared to the width of the pourer's fingers while holding it. | |||
Gimme three fingers of bourbon. | |||
27. subst. (fashion) A part of a glove intended to cover a finger. | |||
28. subst. (informal, obsolete) Skill in the use of the fingers, as in playing upon a musical instrument. | |||
29. subst. (informal, rare) Someone skilled in the use of their fingers, (especially) a pickpocket. | |||
30. subst. (UK slang) A person. | |||
31. subst. A chicken finger. | |||
32. subst. (especially in the phrase 'give someone the finger') An obscene or insulting gesture made by raising one's middle finger towards someone with the palm of one's hand facing inwards. | |||
33. v. To identify or point out. Also put the finger on. To report to or identify for the authorities, rat on, rat out, squeal on, tattle on, turn in, to finger. | |||
34. v. To poke or probe with a finger or fingers. | |||
35. v. To use the fingers to penetrate and sexually stimulate one's own or another person's vagina or anus; to fingerbang | |||
36. v. (transitive, music) To use specified finger positions in producing notes on a musical instrument. | |||
37. v. (transitive, music) To provide instructions in written music as to which fingers are to be used to produce particular notes or passages. | |||
38. v. (transitive, computing) To query (a user's status) using the Finger protocol. | |||
39. v. (obsolete) To steal; to purloin. | |||
40. v. (transitive, obsolete) To execute, as any delicate work. |
digit | ![]() | ||
1. Ziffer, Stelle |
digit | ![]() | ||
1. subst. (mathematics) The whole numbers from 0 to 9 and the Arabic numerals representing them, which are combined to represent base 10 numbers. | |||
The number 123.4 has four digits: the hundreds digit is 1, the tens digit is 2, the units digit is 3, and the tenths digit is 4. | |||
2. subst. (mathematics) Similarly fundamental numerals in other systems. | |||
Hexadecimal numeration (Base 16) includes the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 but also A (=10), B (=11), C (=12), D (=13), E (=14), and F (=15). Sixteen itself is written as the two-digit n | |||
3. subst. (units of measure, astronomy) (frac, 1, 12) the apparent diameter of the sun or moon, (chiefly) as a measure of the totality of an eclipse. | |||
A six-digit eclipse covers half the lunar surface. | |||
4. subst. (historical units of measure) A unit of length notionally based upon the width of an adult human finger, standardized differently in various places and times, (especially) the English digit of (frac | |||
5. subst. (units of measure, obsolete) (altname, inch). | |||
6. subst. (anatomy) A narrow extremity of the human hand or foot: a finger, thumb, or toe. | |||
7. subst. (zoology) Similar or similar-looking structures in other animals. | |||
8. subst. (geometry, rare, obsolete) (altname, degree): frac, 1, 360 of a circle. | |||
9. v. To point at or point out with the finger. |
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