Das englische Wort für Fuchs ist

Englische Definition
Fuchs | |
1. subst. fox (animal) | |
Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen. Gib sie wieder her! - Fox, you stole the goose. Bring it back again! | |
2. subst. (informal) a clever or cunning person | |
Er ist ein ganz schöner Fuchs. - He is a really handsome fox. | |
3. subst. (informal) a red-haired person or horse. | |
Unser Paul ist ja ein kleiner Fuchs. - Our Paul is a little redhead. | |
4. subst. pledge (prospective member of a fraternity) | |
5. subst. (military, slang) A new recruit. | |
6. subst. (card games) In Doppelkopf, the ace of diamonds, which earns a side of players an extra point if they win it from the other side | |
Ich hatte nur vier Trümpfe und darunter beide Füchse. - I had only four trumps and among them were both aces of diamonds. | |
7. subst. a fox in radiosport foxhunt | |
8. subst. obsolete | |
9. Proper noun. surname, common, from=nicknames | |
10. Proper noun. surname, German Jewish | |
11. subst. a member of a student fraternity in his first year | |
12. subst. (by extension) beginner; fresher |
Übersetzungen für Fuchs und ihre Definitionen
fox | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] der Fuchs | |||
[1] The diet of foxes is largely made up of invertebrates. | |||
Die Nahrung der Füchse besteht hauptsächlich aus Wirbellosen. |
sorrel | |
chestnut | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] ein Pferd mit der Fellfarbe "Fuchs" | |||
[1] My old horse was a chestnut. |
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