Das englische Wort für Nudel ist
Englische Definition
Nudel | |
1. n-f. a noodle, a string or lump of pasta | |
2. n-f. (in the plural) pasta | |
3. n-f. (in compounds) certain other kinds of pastries | |
4. n-f. (informal) a person, usually female, who is funny and cheerful, especially when also having a pleasantly plump, buxom figure |
Übersetzungen für Nudel und ihre Definitionen
noodle | |||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Nudel | |||
3. [2] amerikanisch, kanadisch, umgangssprachlich: | |||
4. [a] menschlicher Kopf | |||
5. [b] dummer, einfältiger Mensch | |||
6. [3] vulgär: Penis | |||
[1] Singapore could possibly be called the noodle capital of the world, given the abundant variety of noodles and noodle dishes found here. |
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