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Das englische Wort für Papier ist


Englische Definition

     1. subst. (usually) paper (material)
     2. subst. (usually) wrapping made of paper or a similar material, e.g. with foodstuffs
     3. subst. a sheet of paper
     4. subst. (chiefly in the plural) a document or proof, especially short for, Ausweispapier, t=identity document, papers
     5. subst. (chiefly in the finance, stock market) short for, Wertpapier, t=security

Übersetzungen für Papier und ihre Definitionen

     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] nur Singular: Papier
     3. [2] die Abhandlung, die Akte, der Fachvortrag, die Veröffentlichung, das Dokument
     4. [3] die Zeitung
           [1] Please give me 10 sheets of paper.
           [2] "Indeed, your example is an unfortunate one for your argument,"said Holmes, taking the paper and glancing his eye down it.
           [2] "This paper reviews the design, manufacture and performance of ceramic abradable seals with varied chemistry."

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