Das englische Wort für Ring ist

Englische Definition
Ring | |
1. subst. a ring (a circular and hollow object, made of any material.) | |
2. subst. a ring (small jewelry worn on the finger (usually composed of precious metals)) | |
3. subst. a ring (a group of people, often involved into criminal and illegal actions) | |
4. subst. (mathematics) a ring (algebraic structure) | |
5. subst. (geometry) a ring (planar geometrical figure) | |
6. subst. (heraldry) an annulet (ring used as a charge) | |
7. subst. (astronomy) a ring (a collection of material orbiting a planet) | |
8. subst. (sports) a ring (a place where events such as wrestling and boxing take place) | |
9. subst. a street that encircles a city where once the old town walls have been; a boulevard. |
Übersetzungen für Ring und ihre Definitionen
collar | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Kragen | |||
3. [2] Kette, Halsband, Halskette | |||
4. [3] Kummet, Halfter | |||
5. [4] (Technik) Lager | |||
6. [5] (Küche) Rollfleisch |
collar | ![]() | ||
1. subst. Anything that encircles the neck. | |||
2. subst. The part of an upper garment (shirt, jacket, etc.) that fits around the neck and throat, especially if sewn from a separate piece of fabric. | |||
3. subst. A decorative band or other fabric around the neckline. | |||
4. subst. A chain worn around the neck. | |||
5. subst. A similar detachable item. | |||
6. subst. A coloured ring round the neck of a bird or mammal. | |||
7. subst. A band or chain around an animal's neck, used to restrain and/or identify it. | |||
Make sure your dog has a collar holding an identification tag. | |||
8. subst. A part of harness designed to distribute the load around the shoulders of a draft animal. | |||
9. subst. (archaic) A hangman's knot. | |||
10. subst. A piece of meat from the neck of an animal. | |||
a collar of brawn | |||
11. subst. (technology) Any encircling device or structure. | |||
A nylon collar kept the bolt from damaging the surface underneath. | |||
12. subst. (rail transport) A physical lockout device to prevent operation of a mechanical signal lever. | |||
13. subst. (architecture) A ring or cincture. | |||
14. subst. (architecture) A collar beam. | |||
15. subst. (mining) A curb, or a horizontal timbering, around the mouth of a shaft. | |||
16. subst. (in compounds) Of or pertaining to a certain category of professions as symbolized by typical clothing. | |||
17. subst. (botany) The neck or line of junction between the root of a plant and its stem. | |||
18. subst. A ringlike part of a mollusk in connection with the esophagus. | |||
19. subst. (nautical) An eye formed in the bight or bend of a shroud or stay to go over the masthead; also, a rope to which certain parts of rigging, as dead-eyes, are secured. | |||
20. subst. (slang) An arrest. | |||
21. subst. (finance) A trading strategy using options such that there is both an upper limit on profit and a lower limit on loss, constructed through taking equal but opposite positions in a put and a call with | |||
22. v. To grab or seize by the collar or neck. | |||
23. v. To place a collar on, to fit with one. | |||
Collar and leash aggressive dogs. | |||
24. v. To seize, capture or detain. | |||
25. v. To preempt, control stringently and exclusively. | |||
26. v. (law enforcement, transitive) To arrest. | |||
27. v. (figuratively, transitive) To bind in conversation. | |||
I managed to collar Fred in the office for an hour. | |||
28. v. To roll up (beef or other meat) and bind it with string preparatory to cooking. | |||
29. v. (BDSM) To bind a submissive to a dominant under specific conditions or obligations. |
annulus | |
annulus | ||
1. subst. A ring- or donut-shaped area or structure. | ||
2. subst. (geometry) The region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radius. | ||
3. subst. (topology) Any topological space homeomorphic to the region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radius. | ||
4. subst. (astronomy) The ring of the sun not covered by the moon in an annular solar eclipse. | ||
5. subst. (botany) Structure in a fern that consists of differentially thick-walled cells on a sporangium that bend and distort as a result of drying. | ||
6. subst. (mycology) The membranous remnants of a partial veil which leaves a ring on the stem of a mushroom. | ||
7. subst. (oil and gas production) The space contained between the centre well bore and any external tubing. Sometimes used for separated gas flow. |
ring | ![]() | ||
1. anrufen | |||
2. Ring |
ring | ![]() | ||
1. subst. (physical) A solid object in the shape of a circle. | |||
2. subst. A circumscribing object, (roughly) circular and hollow, looking like an annual ring, earring, finger ring etc. | |||
3. subst. A round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger or through the ear, nose, etc. | |||
4. subst. (British) A bird band, a round piece of metal put around a bird's leg used for identification and studies of migration. | |||
5. subst. (UK) A burner on a kitchen stove. | |||
6. subst. In a jack plug, the connector between the tip and the sleeve. | |||
7. subst. An instrument, formerly used for taking the sun's altitude, consisting of a brass ring suspended by a swivel, with a hole at one side through which a s | |||
8. subst. (botany) A flexible band partly or wholly encircling the spore cases of ferns. | |||
9. subst. (physical) A group of objects arranged in a circle. | |||
10. subst. A circular group of people or objects. | |||
a ring of mushrooms growing in the wood | |||
11. subst. (astronomy) A formation of various pieces of material orbiting around a planet. | |||
12. subst. (British) A large circular prehistoric stone construction such as Stonehenge. | |||
13. subst. A piece of food in the shape of a ring. | |||
onion rings | |||
14. subst. A place where some sports or exhibitions take place; notably a circular or comparable arena, such as a boxing ring or a circus ring; hence the field of a political contest. | |||
15. subst. An exclusive group of people, usually involving some unethical or illegal practices. | |||
a crime ring; a prostitution ring; a bidding ring (at an auction sale) | |||
16. subst. (chemistry) A group of atoms linked by bonds to form a closed chain in a molecule. | |||
a benzene ring | |||
17. subst. (geometry) A planar geometrical figure included between two concentric circles. | |||
18. subst. (typography) A diacritical mark in the shape of a hollow circle placed above or under the letter; a kroužek. | |||
19. subst. (historical) An old English measure of corn equal to the coomb or half a quarter. | |||
20. subst. (computing theory) A hierarchical level of privilege in a computer system, usually at hardware level, used to protect data and functionality (also protection ring). | |||
21. subst. (firearms) Either of the pair of clamps used to hold a telescopic sight to a rifle. | |||
22. subst. (cartomancy) The twenty-fifth Lenormand card. | |||
23. v. To surround or enclose. | |||
The inner city was ringed with dingy industrial areas. | |||
24. v. (transitive, figuratively) To make an incision around; to girdle. | |||
They ringed the trees to make the clearing easier next year. | |||
25. v. To attach a ring to, especially for identification. | |||
We managed to ring 22 birds this morning. | |||
26. v. To surround or fit with a ring, or as if with a ring. | |||
to ring a pig's snout | |||
27. v. (falconry) To rise in the air spirally. | |||
28. subst. The resonant sound of a bell, or a sound resembling it. | |||
The church bell's ring could be heard the length of the valley. | |||
The ring of hammer on anvil filled the air. | |||
29. subst. (figuratively) A pleasant or correct sound. | |||
The name has a nice ring to it. | |||
30. subst. (figuratively) A sound or appearance that is characteristic of something. | |||
Her statements in court had a ring of falsehood. | |||
31. subst. (colloquial) A telephone call. | |||
I’ll give you a ring when the plane lands. | |||
32. subst. Any loud sound; the sound of numerous voices; a sound continued, repeated, or reverberated. | |||
33. subst. A chime, or set of bells harmonically tuned. | |||
St Mary's has a ring of eight bells. | |||
34. v. (intransitive) Of a bell, etc., to produce a resonant sound. | |||
The bells were ringing in the town. | |||
35. v. To make (a bell, etc.) produce a resonant sound. | |||
The deliveryman rang the doorbell to drop off a parcel. | |||
36. v. (intransitive, figuratively) To produce the sound of a bell or a similar sound. | |||
Whose mobile phone is ringing? | |||
37. v. (intransitive, figuratively) Of something spoken or written, to appear to be, to seem, to sound. | |||
That does not ring true. | |||
38. v. (transitive, colloquial, British, New Zealand) To telephone (someone). | |||
I will ring you when we arrive. | |||
39. v. (intransitive) to resound, reverberate, echo. | |||
40. v. (intransitive) To produce music with bells. | |||
41. v. (dated) To repeat often, loudly, or earnestly. | |||
42. subst. (algebra) An algebraic structure which consists of a set with two binary operations: an additive operation and a multiplicative operation, such that the set is an abelian group under the additive oper | |||
The set of integers,\mathbbZ, is the prototypical ring. | |||
43. subst. (algebra) An algebraic structure as above, but only required to be a semigroup under the multiplicative operation, that is, there need not be a multiplicative identity element. | |||
The definition of ring without unity allows, for instance, the set2\mathbbZ of even integers to be a ring. |
loop | ![]() | ||
1. Schlaufe |
loop | ![]() | ||
1. subst. A length of thread, line or rope that is doubled over to make an opening. | |||
2. subst. The opening so formed. | |||
3. subst. A shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself. | |||
Arches, loops, and whorls are patterns found in fingerprints. | |||
4. subst. A ring road or beltway. | |||
5. subst. An endless strip of tape or film allowing continuous repetition. | |||
6. subst. A complete circuit for an electric current. | |||
7. subst. (programming) A programmed sequence of instructions that is repeated until or while a particular condition is satisfied. | |||
8. subst. (graph theory) An edge that begins and ends on the same vertex. | |||
9. subst. (topology) A path that starts and ends at the same point. | |||
10. subst. (transportation) A bus or rail route, walking route, etc. that starts and ends at the same point. | |||
11. subst. (algebra) A quasigroup with an identity element. | |||
12. subst. A loop-shaped intrauterine device. | |||
13. subst. An aerobatic maneuver in which an aircraft flies a circular path in a vertical plane. | |||
14. subst. A small, narrow opening; a loophole. | |||
15. subst. alternative form of loupes (mass of iron). | |||
16. subst. (biochemistry) A flexible region in a protein's secondary structure. | |||
17. v. To form something into a loop. | |||
18. v. To fasten or encircle something with a loop. | |||
19. v. To fly an aircraft in a loop. | |||
20. v. To move something in a loop. | |||
21. v. To join electrical components to complete a circuit. | |||
22. v. To duplicate the route of a pipeline. | |||
23. v. To create an error in a computer program so that it runs in an endless loop and the computer freezes up. | |||
24. v. (intransitive) To form a loop. | |||
25. v. (intransitive) To move in a loop. | |||
The program loops until the user presses a key. |
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