Das englische Wort für Seife ist

Englische Definition
Seife | |
1. n-f. soap (substance) | |
2. n-f. a piece of soap | |
3. n-f. a particular sort of soap |
Übersetzungen für Seife und ihre Definitionen
soap | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Seife | |||
3. [2] Kurzform von: soap opera | |||
[1] Soap products are useful for clensing. | |||
[2] Brookside is a television soap based in Liverpool. | |||
4. Verb: | |||
5. [1] mit Seife versehen | |||
[1] Turn off the shower while you are soaping up. |
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