Das englische Wort für Spiegel ist

Englische Definition
Spiegel | |
1. n-m. mirror (smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects light) | |
Sie hatte einen großen Spiegel. - She had a large mirror. | |
2. n-m. level (of a liquid within a delimited space or a substance in a liquid mixture) | |
Meeresspiegel - sea level | |
Alkoholspiegel - alcohol level (amount in blood, for example) | |
Testosteronspiegel - testosterone level | |
3. n-m. surface (flat overside or up-side of a liquid) | |
4. n-m. schematic overview, table (two-dimensional presentation of data) | |
Notenspiegel - transcript (as in a set of notes that mirrors the conversation) | |
Gehaltsspiegel - salary tables (pay levels) | |
5. n-m. white or light-coloured mark (on an animal) | |
6. n-m. (on the forehead of horses and cattle) | |
Das Pony hatte einen hübsch geformten Spiegel auf der Stirn. - The pony had a nicely shaped mark on the forehead. | |
7. n-m. (on the wing of a goose, capercaillie, or black cock) | |
8. n-m. (on the hindquarters of deer) |
Übersetzungen für Spiegel und ihre Definitionen
mirror | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Spiegel | |||
[1] I have a mirror in my bathroom. | |||
Ich habe einen Spiegel in meinem Badezimmer. |
table | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Tisch | |||
[1] The table is set for four persons. | |||
Der Tisch ist für vier Personen gedeckt. |
transom | |
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