Das englische Wort für Stern ist

Englische Definition
Stern | |
1. subst. a star; a small luminous dot that can be seen on the night sky | |
Morgenstern - morning star | |
Barnards Stern - Barnard's Star | |
2. subst. (astronomy) a star; the actual celestial body | |
3. subst. (geometry, heraldiccharge) a star, a mullet, or anything that resembles such an object | |
fünfzackiger Stern - five-pointed star | |
Davidstern - Star of David | |
Sternenbanner - stars and stripes | |
NATO-Stern - NATO star | |
der rote Stern - the red star | |
4. subst. a star; symbol used as a rating, e.g. for hotels, movies, etc. | |
Fünf-Sterne-Hotel - five-star hotel | |
5. subst. (printing, often Sternchen) an asterisk (*) | |
6. subst. (figuratively, chiefly Sternchen) a star, starlet, celebrity, something or somebody popular | |
ein Schlagerstern(chen) - a schlager-music starlet | |
7. subst. A term of endearment. | |
8. subst. (meteorology) a stellar crystal, a snow crystal possessing the shape of a star |
Übersetzungen für Stern und ihre Definitionen
star | ![]() | ||
1. Substantiv: | |||
2. [1] Stern | |||
3. [2] berühmte Person | |||
[1] "A few seconds after midnight the crowd in the Chertsey road, Woking, saw a star fall from heaven into the pine woods to the northwest." |
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