1. subst. A trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians.
2. subst. A course taken.
the path of a meteor, of a caravan, or of a storm
3. subst. (paganism) A Pagan tradition, for example witchcraft, Wicca, druidism, Heathenry.
4. subst. A metaphorical course.
5. subst. A method or direction of proceeding.
6. subst. (computing) A human-readable specification for a location within a hierarchical or tree-like structure, such as a file system or as part of a URL
7. subst. (graph theory) A sequence of vertices from one vertex to another using the arcs (edges). A path does not visit the same vertex more than once (unless it is a closed path, where only the first and the
8. subst. (topology) A continuous mapf from the unit intervalI = 0,1 to a topological spaceX.
9. v. To make a path in, or on (something), or for (someone).
[1] "It was very essential for Stapleton to get some article of Sir Henry's attire so that, in case he was driven to use the dog, he might always have the means of setting him upon his track."
[1] Children raised in them [upper middle-class families] are on a different track to ordinary Americans, right from the very beginning[...]
Kinder, die in oberen Mittelklassefamilien aufwachsen, sind auf einem ganz anderen Pfad, als die Kinder normaler Amerikaner, und zwar von Geburt an [...]
2. subst. A road, a direction, a (physical or conceptual) path from one place to another.
Do you know the way to the airport? Come this way and I'll show you a shortcut. It's a long way from here.
3. subst. A means to enter or leave a place.
We got into the cinema through the back way.
4. subst. A roughly-defined geographical area.
If you're ever 'round this way, come over and visit me.
5. subst. A method or manner of doing something; a mannerism.
You're going about it the wrong way. He's known for his quirky ways. I don't like the way she looks at me.
6. subst. A state or condition
When I returned home, I found my house and belongings in a most terrible way.
7. subst.Personal interaction.:
8. subst. Possibility (usually in the phrases 'any way' and 'no way').
There's no way I'm going to clean up after you.
9. subst. Determined course; resolved mode of action or conduct.
My little sister always whines until she gets her way.
10. subst. (paganism) A tradition within the modern pagan faith of Heathenry, dedication to a specific deity or craft, Way of wyrd, Way of runes, Way of Thor etc.
11. subst. (nautical) Speed, progress, momentum.
12. subst. A degree, an amount, a sense.
In a large way, crocodiles and alligators are similar.
13. subst. (US, As the head of an interjectory clause) Acknowledges that a task has been done well, chiefly in expressions of sarcastic congratulation.
Way to ruin the moment, guys.
14. subst. (plural only) The timbers of shipyard stocks that slope into the water and along which a ship or large boat is launched.
15. subst. (plural only) The longitudinal guiding surfaces on the bed of a planer, lathe, etc. along which a table or carriage moves.
16. interj. (only in reply to no way) It is true.
17. v. (obsolete) To travel.
18. adv. (informal, with comparative or modified adjective) Much.
I'm way too tired to do that.
I'm a way better singer than Emma.
19. adv. (slang) Very.
I'm way tired
String theory is way cool, except for the math.
20. adv. (informal) Far.
I used to live way over there.
The farmhouse is way down the bottom of the hill.
21. subst. The letter for the w sound in Pitman shorthand.
1. v. To follow behind (someone or something); to tail (someone or something).
The hunters trailed their prey deep into the woods.
2. v. To drag (something) behind on the ground.
You'll get your coat all muddy if you trail it around like that.
3. v. To leave (a trail of).
He walked into the house, soaking wet, and trailed water all over the place.
4. v. To show a trailer of (a film, TV show etc.); to release or publish a preview of (a report etc.) in advance of the full publication.
His new film was trailed on TV last night.
There were no surprises in this morning's much-trailed budget statement.
5. v. To be losing, to be behind in a competition.
6. v. (military) To carry (a firearm) with the breech near the ground and the upper part inclined forward, the piece being held by the right hand near the middle.
7. v. To flatten (grass, etc.) by walking through it; to tread down.
8. v. (dated) To take advantage of the ignorance of; to impose upon.
9. subst. The track or indication marking the route followed by something that has passed, such as the footprints of animal on land or the contrail of an airplane in the sky.
10. subst. A route for travel over land, especially a narrow, unpaved pathway for use by hikers, horseback riders, etc.
11. subst. A trailer broadcast on television for a forthcoming film or programme.
12. subst. (graph theory) A walk in which all the edges are distinct.
1. subst. (obsolete) The act of riding on horseback.
2. subst. (obsolete) A hostile ride against a particular area; a raid.
3. subst. (nautical, often, in the plural) A partly sheltered area of water near a shore in which vessels may ride at anchor.
4. subst. A way used for travelling between places, originally one wide enough to allow foot passengers and horses to travel, now (US) usually one surfaced with asphalt or concrete and designed to accommodate m
5. subst. (figuratively) A path chosen in life or career.
6. subst. An underground tunnel in a mine.
7. subst. (US, railroads) A railway or (railroads) a single railway track.
8. subst. (obsolete) A journey, or stage of a journey.
9. subst. A way or route.
10. adj. (US, Canada sports) At the venue of the opposing team or competitor; on the road.
[2] "It was very essential for Stapleton to get some article of Sir Henry's attire so that, in case he was driven to use the dog, he might always have the means of setting him upon his track."
„Für Stapelton war es sehr wichtig, einige Kleidungsstücke von Sir Henry zu bekommen, damit er, falls er gezwungen wäre den Hund zu benutzen, etwas hätte, um diesen auf die Spur zu bringen.“
4. Substantiv:
5. [1] die Reise in einem Automobil
6. [2] die private Verkehrsfläche zwischen der öffentlichen und einem Gebäude
7. [3] die geplante oder organisierte, oft vereinte oder längere Maßnahme
8. [4] die zum Erstreben eines Ziels führende innere Ursache
1. subst. Motivation to do or achieve something; ability coupled with ambition.
Crassus had wealth and wit, but Pompey had drive and Caesar as much again.
2. subst. Violent or rapid motion; a rushing onward or away; especially, a forced or hurried dispatch of business.
3. subst. An act of driving animals forward, such as to be captured, hunted etc.
4. subst. (military) A sustained advance in the face of the enemy to take a strategic objective.
Napoleon's drive on Moscow was as determined as it was disastrous.
5. subst. A motor that does not take fuel, but instead depends on a mechanism that stores potential energy for subsequent use.
Some old model trains have clockwork drives.
6. subst. A trip made in a vehicle (now generally in a motor vehicle).
It was a long drive.
7. subst. A driveway.
The mansion had a long, tree-lined drive.
8. subst. A type of public roadway.
Beverly Hills’ most famous street is Rodeo Drive.
9. subst. (dated) A place suitable or agreeable for driving; a road prepared for driving.
10. subst. (psychology) Desire or interest.
11. subst. (computing) An apparatus for reading and writing data to or from a mass storage device such as a disk, as a floppy drive.
12. subst. (computing) A mass storage device in which the mechanism for reading and writing data is integrated with the mechanism for storing data, as a hard drive, a flash drive.
13. subst. (golf) A stroke made with a driver.
14. subst. (baseball, tennis) A ball struck in a flat trajectory.
15. subst. (cricket) A type of shot played by swinging the bat in a vertical arc, through the line of the ball, and hitting it along the ground, normally between cover and midwicket.
16. subst. (soccer) A straight level shot or pass.
17. subst. (American football) An offensive possession, generally one consisting of several plays and/ or first downs, often leading to a scoring opportunity.
18. subst. A charity event such as a fundraiser, bake sale, or toy drive.
a whist drive; a beetle drive
19. subst. (typography) An impression or matrix formed by a punch drift.
20. subst. A collection of objects that are driven; a mass of logs to be floated down a river.
21. v. To impel or urge onward by force; to push forward; to compel to move on.
to drive sheep out of a field
22. v. (transitive, intransitive) To direct a vehicle powered by a horse, ox or similar animal.
23. v. To cause animals to flee out of.
24. v. To move (something) by hitting it with great force.
You drive nails into wood with a hammer.
25. v. To cause (a mechanism) to operate.
The pistons drive the crankshaft.
26. v. (transitive, ergative) To operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle).
drive a car
27. v. To motivate; to provide an incentive for.
What drives a person to run a marathon?
28. v. To compel (to do something).
Their debts finally drove them to sell the business.
29. v. To cause to become.
This constant complaining is going to drive me to insanity. You are driving me crazy!
30. v. (intransitive, cricket, tennis, baseball) To hit the ball with a drive.
31. v. (intransitive) To travel by operating a wheeled motorized vehicle.
I drive to work every day.
32. v. To convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle.
My wife drove me to the airport.
33. v. (intransitive) To move forcefully.
34. v. (intransitive) To be moved or propelled forcefully (especially of a ship).
35. v. To urge, press, or bring to a point or state.
36. v. To carry or to keep in motion; to conduct; to prosecute.
37. v. To clear, by forcing away what is contained.
38. v. (mining) To dig horizontally; to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel.
39. v. (American football) To put together a drive (n.): to string together offensive plays and advance the ball down the field.
40. v. (obsolete) To distrain for rent.
41. v. To separate the lighter (feathers or down) from the heavier, by exposing them to a current of air.
1. Substantiv:
2. [1] Spaziergang
3. [2] der Gang, die Schrittart
4. [3] Spazierweg, die Länge oder Dauer des Spaziergangs
13. [5] zu Fuß (einen Abstand) fahren, gehen, spazieren
14. [6] spazieren/gehen/spazieren gehen/laufen/trotten mit + Dativ (typische Objekte sind beispielsweise Mäderl und Hunde)
15. [7] ein Fahrzeug neben einem mitschieben
[1] He walks across the road very slowly.
Er läuft sehr langsam über die Straße.
[2] If you can’t present a better case, that robber is going to walk.
Wenn Sie keinen besseren Fall präsentieren können, wird jener Räuber freigelassen werden.
[3] If you leave your wallet lying around, it’s going to walk.
Wenn du passt auf deine Brieftasche nicht auf, wird es wegkommen.
[4] He will walk, unless you pay him more.
Er wird resignieren, wenn du ihm nicht mehr bezahlst.
[5] I walk one hour and 4 kilometres to school every day.
Ich gehe jeden Tag eine Stunde und 4 Kilometer zur Schule.
[5] I walk my dog every day.
Ich gehe mit meinem Hund jeden Tag spazieren
[5] Will you walk me home? I hate to go home alone in the dark.
Wirst du mit mir nach Hause gehen? Ich hasse allein in der Dunkelheit nach Hause zu gehen.
1. v. (intransitive) To move on the feet by alternately setting each foot (or pair or group of feet, in the case of animals with four or more feet) forward, with at least one foot on the ground at all times
To walk briskly for an hour every day is to keep fit.
2. v. (intransitive, colloquial, legal) To "walk free", i.e. to win, or avoid, a criminal court case, particularly when actually guilty.
If you can’t present a better case, that robber is going to walk.
3. v. (intransitive, colloquial, euphemistic) Of an object, to go missing or be stolen.
If you leave your wallet lying around, it’s going to walk.
4. v. (intransitive, cricket, of a batsman) To walk off the field, as if given out, after the fielding side appeals and before the umpire has ruled; done as a matter of sportsmanship when the batsman believ
5. v. To travel (a distance) by walking.
I walk two miles to school every day. The museum’s not far from here – you can walk it.
6. v. To take for a walk or accompany on a walk.
I walk the dog every morning. Will you walk me home?
7. v. (transitive, baseball) To allow a batter to reach base by pitching four balls.
8. v. To move something by shifting between two positions, as if it were walking.
I carefully walked the ladder along the wall.
9. v. To full; to beat cloth to give it the consistency of felt.
10. v. To traverse by walking (or analogous gradual movement).
I walked the streets aimlessly. Debugging this computer program involved walking the heap.
11. v. (transitive, aviation) To operate the left and right throttles of (an aircraft) in alternation.
12. v. (intransitive, colloquial) To leave, resign.
If we don't offer him more money he'll walk.
13. v. To push (a vehicle) alongside oneself as one walks.
14. v. To behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct oneself.
15. v. To be stirring; to be abroad; to go restlessly about; said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, such as a sleeping person, or the spirit of a dead person.
16. v. (obsolete) To be in motion; to act; to move.
17. v. (transitive, historical) To put, keep, or train (a puppy) in a walk, or training area for dogfighting.
18. v. (transitive, informal, hotel) To move a guest to another hotel if their confirmed reservation is not available on day of check-in.
19. subst. A trip made by walking.
I take a walk every morning
20. subst. A distance walked.
It’s a long walk from my house to the library
21. subst. (sports) An Olympic Games track event requiring that the heel of the leading foot touch the ground before the toe of the trailing foot leaves the ground.
22. subst. A manner of walking; a person's style of walking.
The Ministry of Silly Walks is underfunded this year
23. subst. A path, sidewalk/pavement or other maintained place on which to walk. Compare trail.
24. subst. (poker) A situation where all players fold to the big blind, as their first action (instead of calling or raising), once they get their cards.
25. subst. (baseball) An award of first base to a batter following four balls being thrown by the pitcher; known in the rules as a "base on balls".
The pitcher now has two walks in this inning alone
26. subst. In coffee, coconut, and other plantations, the space between them.
27. subst. (Caribbean, Guyana, Belize) An area of an estate planted with fruit-bearing trees.Lise Winer (ed.), Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad and Tobago, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008, p.(n
28. subst. (historical) A place for keeping and training puppies for dogfighting.
29. subst. (historical) An enclosed area in which a gamecock is confined to prepare him for fighting.
30. subst. (graph theory) A sequence of alternating vertices and edges, where each edge's endpoints are the preceding and following vertices in the sequence.
31. subst. (colloquial) Something very easily accomplished; a walk in the park.
32. subst. (finance) A cheque drawn on a bank that was not a member of the London Clearing and whose sort code was allocated on a one-off basis; they had to be "walked" (hand-delivered by messengers).