Das englische Wort für anhalten ist

Englische Definition
anhalten | |
1. v. to stop (cease moving) | |
Wir müssen an der roten Ampel anhalten. - We have to stop at the red light. | |
2. v. to continue, to last | |
Das schlechte Wetter hält an. - The bad weather continues. | |
3. v. to stop, to hold, to keep from moving | |
Ich halte den Wagen an. - I'm stopping the car. | |
den Atem/die Luft anhalten - to hold one's breath | |
ein Taxi anhalten - to hail a taxi | |
4. v. to urge, to encourage, to compel (to do something) (often by referring to the matter repeatedly) | |
5. v. (dated outside of Austria, reflexive) to hold tight, to hold on to something or someone | |
6. v. (dated, with um) to ask for | |
um die Hand der Tochter anhalten - to ask for one's daughter's hand in marriage |
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