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Das englische Wort für anhalten ist


Englische Definition

     1. v. to stop (cease moving)
           Wir müssen an der roten Ampel anhalten. - We have to stop at the red light.
     2. v. to continue, to last
           Das schlechte Wetter hält an. - The bad weather continues.
     3. v. to stop, to hold, to keep from moving
           Ich halte den Wagen an. - I'm stopping the car.
           den Atem/die Luft anhalten - to hold one's breath
           ein Taxi anhalten - to hail a taxi
     4. v. to urge, to encourage, to compel (to do something) (often by referring to the matter repeatedly)
     5. v. (dated outside of Austria, reflexive) to hold tight, to hold on to something or someone
     6. v. (dated, with um) to ask for
           um die Hand der Tochter anhalten - to ask for one's daughter's hand in marriage

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