Das englische Wort für fallen ist
![fallen](/gadgets/lafc/new/to fall.png)
Englische Definition
fallen | |
1. v. to fall; to drop | |
Der Regen fiel wie aus Eimern. - It rained cats and dogs. (literally: 'The rain fell as if out of buckets.') | |
Sie fiel zu Boden. - She fell to the floor. | |
2. v. to die; to fall in battle; to die in battle; to be killed in action | |
3. v. to fall, to collapse, to be overthrown. | |
Das Römische Reich fiel auf Grund der Völkerwanderung. - The Roman Empire was overthrown by the consequences of the Migration period. | |
4. v. to become lower, to decrease, to decline | |
Zur Zeit der Finanzkrise fielen viele Aktienkurse um zahlreiche Prozentpunkte. - During the banking scandal many stock prices decreased by a large percentage. |
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