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Das englische Wort für fallen ist


Englische Definition

     1. v. to fall; to drop
           Der Regen fiel wie aus Eimern. - It rained cats and dogs. (literally: 'The rain fell as if out of buckets.')
           Sie fiel zu Boden. - She fell to the floor.
     2. v. to die; to fall in battle; to die in battle; to be killed in action
     3. v. to fall, to collapse, to be overthrown.
           Das Römische Reich fiel auf Grund der Völkerwanderung. - The Roman Empire was overthrown by the consequences of the Migration period.
     4. v. to become lower, to decrease, to decline
           Zur Zeit der Finanzkrise fielen viele Aktienkurse um zahlreiche Prozentpunkte. - During the banking scandal many stock prices decreased by a large percentage.

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