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Das englische Wort für ziehen ist


Englische Definition

     1. v. to pull (e.g., a door handle); to drag (+aux, haben)
     2. v. to draw (e.g. a weapon); to extract; to puff (+aux, haben)
     3. v. to draw (a conclusion, lesson, etc.) (+aux, haben)
     4. v. (impersonal, intransitive) to be drafty; there to be a draft (current of air)
           Es zieht. - There’s a draft.
     5. v. to move; to migrate (+aux, sein)
           Ich ziehe nach Hamburg, aber mein Bruder zieht in eine andere Stadt. - I'm moving to Hamburg, but my brother is moving to another city.
     6. v. to roam; to head (+aux, sein)
     7. v. to stretch; to warp (+aux, haben)

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