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Englisches Wort des Tages für Fortgeschrittene



Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. Skill in the handling or manipulation of a situation.
           Synonyms: finessing
     2. subst. The property of having elegance, grace, refinement, or skill.
     3. subst. An adroit manoeuvre.
     4. subst. (card games) In bridge, whist, etc.: a technique which allows one to win a trick, usually by playing a card when it is thought that a card that can beat it is held by another player whose turn is over
     5. v. (transitive, chiefly Canada, US, politics) To evade (a problem, situation, etc.) by using some clever argument or strategem.
     6. v. (transitive, card games) To play (a card) as a finesse.
     7. v. To handle or manage carefully or skilfully; to manipulate in a crafty way.
           Synonyms: zhoosh, q1=slang
     8. v. (intransitive, card games) To attempt to win a trick by finessing.
     9. v. (intransitive, croquet, obsolete) To play a ball out of the way of an opponent.


His social gifts were hugely appreciated from the beginning, not for their finesse, but because of the breath of fresh air that he brought with him wherever he went. 

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