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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Tasse
     3. [2] Becher
     4. [3] textil: BH-Körbchen
     5. [4] Sport: Cup
     6. [5] Sportpokal
           [1] Can I have a cup of coffee?
             Kann ich eine Tasse Kaffee haben?
           [2] Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. (Bibel:Mt26,27)
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. A concave vessel for drinking from, usually made of opaque material (as opposed to a glass) and with a handle.
           Pour the tea into the cup.
     2. subst. The contents of said vessel; a cupful.
           I drank two cups of water but still felt thirsty.
     3. subst. A customary unit of measure
     4. subst.          (US) A US unit of liquid measure equal to 8 fluid ounces (1/16 of a US gallon; 236.5882365 mL) or 240 mL.
     5. subst.          (Canada) A Canadian unit of measure equal to 8 imperial ounces (1/20 imperial gallon; 227.3 mL) or 250 mL.
     6. subst.          (dated) A British unit of measure equal to 0.5 imperial pints (10 imperial ounces; 284 mL) or 300mL.
     7. subst. A trophy in the shape of an oversized cup.
           The World Cup is awarded to the winner of a quadrennial football tournament.
     8. subst. A contest for which a cup is awarded.
           The World Cup is the world's most widely watched sporting event.
     9. subst. (association football) The main knockout tournament in a country, organised alongside the league.
     10. subst. (golf) A cup-shaped object placed in the target hole.
           The ball just misses the cup.
     11. subst. (in combination) Any of various sweetened alcoholic drinks.
           cider cup; gin cup; claret cup
     12. subst. (US, Canada) A rigid concave protective covering for the male genitalia. (for UK usage see box)
           Players of contact sports are advised to wear a cup.
     13. subst. One of the two parts of a brassiere which each cover a breast, used as a measurement of size.
           The cups are made of a particularly uncomfortable material.
     14. subst. (mathematics) The symbol\cup denoting union and similar operations (confer cap).
     15. subst. A suit of the minor arcana in tarot, or one of the cards from the suit.
     16. subst. (ultimate frisbee) A defensive style characterized by a three player near defense cupping the thrower; or those three players.
     17. subst. A flexible concave membrane used to temporarily attach a handle or hook to a flat surface by means of suction (suction cup).
     18. subst. Anything shaped like a cup.
           the cup of an acorn
     19. subst. (medicine, historical) A cupping glass or other vessel or instrument used to produce the vacuum in cupping.
     20. subst. That which is to be received or indured; that which is allotted to one; a portion.
     21. v. To form into the shape of a cup, particularly of the hands.
           Cup your hands and I'll pour some rice into them.
     22. v. To hold something in cupped hands.
           He cupped the ball carefully in his hands.
     23. v. (transitive, obsolete) To supply with cups of wine.
     24. v. (transitive, surgery, archaic) To apply a cupping apparatus to; to subject to the operation of cupping.
     25. v. (transitive, engineering) To make concave or in the form of a cup.
           to cup the end of a screw
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. n-f. cup with a handle



Let's talk over a cup of coffee. 
    Lass uns bei einer Tasse Kaffee reden.
Please give me a cup of water. 
    Bitte geben Sie mir ein Glas Wasser.
She invited him in for a cup of coffee. 
    Sie hat ihn auf ein Tässchen Kaffee eingeladen.
"Would you get me a cup of coffee?" "With pleasure, my dear." 
    „Würdest du mir eine Tasse Kaffee holen?“ — „Aber sehr gerne, mein Liebling!“
One cup of coffee, please. 
    Bitte geben Sie mir eine Tasse Kaffee.

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