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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Mehl
           [1] You didn't use enough flour.
             Du hast nicht genug Mehl benutzt.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. Powder obtained by grinding or milling cereal grains, especially wheat, or other foodstuffs such as soybeans and potatoes, and used to bake bread, cakes, and pastry.
     2. subst. (US standard of identity) The food made by grinding and bolting cleaned wheat (not durum or red durum) until it meets specified levels of fineness, dryness and freedom from bran and germ, also contain
     3. subst. Powder of other material.
           wood flour, produced by sanding wood
           mustard flour
     4. subst. obsolete form of flower
           that nobody is wished to see my dead body. & that no murnurs walk behind me at my funeral. & that no flours be planted on my grave. — Thomas Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge.
     5. v. To apply flour to something; to cover with flour.
     6. v. To reduce to flour.
     7. v. (intransitive) To break up into fine globules of mercury in the amalgamation process.
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. subst. flour; meal (ground cereal)
     2. subst. powder; dust (any result of grinding)
           Sägemehl - sawdust



The cake didn't turn out well because the flour was past its use-by date. 
    Der Kuchen ist nichts geworden, weil das Verfalldatum des Mehls überschritten war.
The flour was past its use-by date, so the cake only rose half as much as it should have. 
    Das Mehl hatte sein Haltbarkeitsdatum überschritten, deswegen ging der Kuchen nur halb so gut auf, wie er sollte.
Blend butter and flour before adding the other ingredients of the cake. 
    Vermengen Sie die Butter mit dem Mehl, bevor Sie die anderen Kuchenzutaten hinzufügen.
Add the flour, salt, baking powder and mashed bananas, and work into a dough. 
    Mehl, Salz, Backpulver und die zerdrückten Bananen zugeben und alles zu einem Teig verarbeiten.

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