Englisch > Deutsch | |
melon | |
1. Substantiv: | |
2. [1] Kürbisgewächs | |
Englisch > Englisch | |
melon | |
1. subst. Any of various plants of the family Cucurbitaceae grown for food, generally not including the cucumber. |  |
2. subst. Genus Cucumis, various musk melons, including the honeydew and the cantaloupes, and the horned melon. |  |
3. subst. Genus Citrullus, the watermelon and others |  |
4. subst. Genus Benincasa, a winter melon |  |
5. subst. Genus Momordica, the bitter melon |  |
6. subst. The fruit of such plants. |  |
7. subst. A light pinkish orange colour, like that of some melon flesh. |  |
(color panel, FDA058) |  |
8. subst. (usually slang) Breasts. |  |
9. subst. (slang) The head. |  |
10. subst. (Australia, New Zealand, derogatory) A member of the Green Party, or similar environmental group. |  |
11. subst. A mass of adipose tissue found in the forehead of all toothed whales, used to focus and modulate vocalizations. |  |
12. adj. Of a light pinkish orange colour, like that of melon flesh. |  |
13. subst. (chemistry) The result of heptazine being polymerized with the tri-s-triazine units linked through an amine (NH) link. |  |
Deutsch > Englisch | |
Melone | |
1. n-f. melon (plant, fruit) |  |
Die Melone ist lecker. - The melon is tasty. |  |
2. n-f. bowler hat |  |
Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone - With umbrella, charm and bowler hat (German title of British TV series The Avengers) |  |
3. n-f. (slang) melons: a woman’s breasts, especially when large |  |