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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Pilz
     3. [2] essbarer Pilz
     4. [3] Champignon
           [1] Walking through the forest, I saw many trees and many mushrooms.
             Ich ging durch den Wald und sah viele Bäume und Pilze.
     5. Verb:
     6. [1] sich schnell verbreiten; schnell wachsen; sich schnell entwickeln; schnell wie ein Pilz aus dem Boden sprießen
     7. [2] Pilze sammeln
           [1] The skyscraper in Dubai are mushrooming.
             Die Wolkenkratzer in Dubai sprießen wie Pilze aus dem Boden.
           [1] The town’s poplulation mushroomed from 10,000 to 110,000 in five years.
             Die Stadtbevölkerung wuchs in fünf Jahren von 10'000 auf 110'000 Einwohner.
           [2] He mushrooms in the forest.
             Er sammelt Pilze im Walde.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. Any of the fleshy fruiting bodies of fungi typically produced above ground on soil or on their food sources (such as decaying wood).
           Some mushrooms are edible and taste good, while others are poisonous and taste foul.
     2. subst. A fungus producing such fruiting bodies.
     3. subst. Champignon or Agaricus bisporus, the mushroom species most commonly used in cooking.
     4. subst. One of the mushroom-shaped pegs in bar billiards.
     5. subst. (obsolete, figurative) One who rises suddenly from a low condition in life; an upstart.
     6. subst. (figurative) Something that grows very quickly or seems to appear suddenly.
     7. adj. Having characteristics like those of a mushroom, for example in shape or appearance, speed of growth, or texture.
           mushroom cloud
     8. v. (intransitive) To grow quickly to a large size.
           The town’s population mushroomed from 10,000 to 110,000 in five years.
     9. v. To gather mushrooms.
           We used to go mushrooming in the forest every weekend.
     10. v. (ballistics, of a bullet) To form the shape of a mushroom when striking a soft target.
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. n-m. mushroom
     2. n-m. fungus




"Look! A red and white mushroom! It looks so tasty!" "No, don't eat it. It's poisonous." 
    „Sieh nur: ein rotweißer Pilz! Der sieht köstlich aus!“ – „Nein, nicht essen! Der ist giftig!“
For a bit of a change from red meat, for tonight I've cooked turkey breasts in mushroom sauce. 
    Um einmal ein bisschen vom roten Fleisch wegzukommen, habe ich für heute Abend Truthahnbrüste in Pilzsoße gekocht.

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