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Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] Farbe, Anstrichfarbe, Lack, Anstrich
     3. [2] Farbe, Schminke, Rouge, Lippenstift
     4. [3] Plural: Farben im Malkasten
     5. [4] kurz für: Paint Horse
           [1] We need one can of red paint and a brush.
             Wir brauchen eine Dose rote Farbe und einen Pinsel.
           [1] Have you seen this metallic paint of the Aston Martin – it looks great.
             Hast du diesen metallischen Lack des Aston Martin gesehn – er sieht super aus.
           [1] These walls definitely need a fresh coat of paint.
             Diese Wände brauchen zweifelsohne einen neuen Anstrich.
           [2] She never leaves the house without some paint on her lips.
             Sie verlässt nie das Haus ohne etwas Farbe auf den Lippen.
           [3] Go and fetch the paints, I´ll prepare the canvas.
             Geh und hol die Farben, ich bereite die Leinwand vor.
           [4] Tom and his son breed paints.
             Tom und sein Sohn züchten Paint Horses.
     6. Verb:
     7. [1] anmalen, malen, bemalen, streichen, anstreichen, einpinseln, lackieren
     8. [2] schminken
     9. [3] übertragen: bildlich erzählen; zeichnen, schildern, ausmalen
           [1] My father ordered me to paint the entire house in green.
             Mein Vater hat mich beauftragt, das gesamte Haus in Grün zu streichen.
           [2] How to paint your lips devil red.
             Wie man seine Lippen teuflisch rot schminkt.
           [3] She painted a lovely picture of her honeymoon.
             Sie zeichnete ein herrliches Bild ihrer Flitterwochen.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. A substance that is applied as a liquid or paste, and dries into a solid coating that protects or adds color/colour to an object or surface to which it has been applied.
     2. subst. (in the plural) A set of containers or blocks of paint of different colors/colours, used for painting pictures.
     3. subst. (basketball, slang) The free-throw lane, construed with the.
           The Nimrods are strong on the outside, but not very good in the paint.
     4. subst. (paintball, slang) Paintballs.
           I am running low on paint for my marker.
     5. subst. (poker, slang) A face card (king, queen, or jack).
     6. subst. (computing, attributive) Graphics drawn using an input device, not scanned or generated.
     7. subst. Makeup.
     8. v. To apply paint to.
     9. v. To apply in the manner that paint is applied.
     10. v. To cover (something) with spots of colour, like paint.
     11. v. To create (an image) with paints.
           to paint a portrait or a landscape
     12. v. (intransitive) To practise the art of painting pictures.
           I've been painting since I was a young child.
     13. v. (transitive, computing) To draw an element in a graphical user interface.
     14. v. (transitive, figuratively) To depict or portray.
           She sued the author of the biography, claiming it painted her as a duplicitous fraud.
     15. v. (intransitive) To color one's face by way of beautifying it.
     16. v. (transitive military, slang) To direct a radar beam toward.
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. n-f. colour
     2. n-f. paint
     3. n-f. dye, colourant for hair
     4. n-f. suit (playing cards)
     5. n-f. (heraldry) tincture



Should I paint the wall white or green? 
    Soll ich die Wand weiß oder grün anstreichen?
Why did you paint the bench red? 
    Wieso hast du die Bank rot gestrichen?
Did you know that if you mixed red and blue paint you obtained purple? 
    Wusstest du, dass, wenn man rote und blaue Farbe mischt, Lila herauskommt?
The paint was coming off the wall. 
    Die Farbe an der Wand blätterte ab.
Why did you paint this wall black? 
    Warum hast du die Wand schwarz gestrichen?

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