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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Adjektiv:
     2. [1] rot
     3. [2] übertragen, politisch-ideologisch: links, sozialistisch, kommunistisch
           [1] The strands in her hair are red.
             Die Strähnen in ihrem Haar sind rot.
           [2] China is a red state.
             China ist ein kommunistischer Staat.
     4. Substantiv:
     5. [1] ein revolutionärer Sozialist oder (meist) ein Kommunist; ein Bolschewik; ein Unterstützer der Bolschewiki in der russischen Bürgerkrieg
Englisch > Englisch
     1. adj. Having red as its color.
           The girl wore a red skirt.
     2. adj. (of hair) Having an orange-brown or orange-blond colour; ginger.
           Her hair had red highlights.
     3. adj. (card games, of a card) Of the hearts or diamonds suits. Compare black
           I got two red queens, and he got one of the black queens.
     4. adj. (often, capitalized) Supportive of, related to, or dominated by a political party or movement represented by the color red:
     5. adj.          (US, modern) the U.S. Republican party
                    a red state
                    a red Congress
     6. adj.          (also British) Left-wing parties and movements, chiefly socialist or communist, including the U.K. Labour party and the Social Democratic Party of Germ
                    the red-black grand coalition in Germany
     7. adj. (chiefly derogatory, offensive) Amerind; relating to Amerindians or First Nations
     8. adj. (astronomy) Of the lower-frequency region of the (typically visible) part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.
     9. adj. (particle physics) Having a color charge of red.
     10. subst. Any of a range of colours having the longest wavelengths, 670 nm, of the visible spectrum; a primary additive colour for transmitted light: the colour obtained by subtracting green and blue from
           (color panel, F00000)
     11. subst. A revolutionary socialist or (most commonly) a Communist; (usually capitalized) a Bolshevik, a supporter of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War.
     12. subst. (snooker) One of the 15 red balls used in snooker, distinguished from the colours.
     13. subst. Red wine.
     14. subst. (informal, birdwatching) A redshank.
     15. subst. (derogatory, offensive) An Amerind.
     16. subst. (slang) The drug secobarbital; a capsule of this drug.
     17. subst. (informal) A red light (a traffic signal)
     18. subst. (Ireland, UK, beverages, informal) red lemonade
     19. subst. (particle physics) One of the three color charges for quarks.
     20. subst. (US, colloquial) chili con carne (usually in the phrase "bowl of red")
     21. v. alternative spelling of redd
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. adj. red (colour)
     2. adj. (politics, relational) red (pertaining to Marxism in the widest sense); social democratic; socialist; communist
     3. adj.          (politics, Germany, in particular, relational) of the social democratic SPD or the more rigidly socialist Linke
     4. adj. (possibly mildly offensive) red-haired
     5. adj. (historical, possibly offensive) redskin; Native American; Indian



Don't cut off my head! For then I could not repent of my sin. But cut off my feet with the red shoes. 
    Schlage mir nicht den Kopf ab; denn dann könnte ich nicht Buße tun für meine Sünde. Schlage mir aber die Füße mit den roten Schuhen ab!
I ran a red light. 
    Ich bin über eine rote Ampel gefahren.
Soon we saw a house whose roof was red. 
    Bald sahen wir ein Haus, dessen Dach rot war.
"Better dead than red" was a popular phrase during the "Cold War". 
    „Lieber tot als rot“ lautete eine weitverbreitete Redensart während des „Kalten Krieges“.
I can't find my red hat anywhere. 
    Ich kann nirgends meinen roten Hut finden.

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