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Englisches Wort des Tages




Englisch > Deutsch
     1. Substantiv:
     2. [1] großes dünnes Tuch zum Bedecken einer Matraze oder eines Menschen im Bett; Laken
     3. [2] rechteckiges Stück Papier; Bogen, Blatt
     4. [3] flaches dünnes Teil; Platte
     5. [4] große weite Fläche
           [1] She got up from the cot and let the sheet fall from her.
             Sie stand vom Feldbett auf und ließ das Laken von sich herunter fallen.
           [2] I wrote on a sheet of paper.
             Ich schrieb auf ein Blatt Papier.
           [3] We closed the hole with a sheet of wood.
             Wir schlossen das Loch mit einer Platte aus Holz.
           [4] A gentle breeze disturbs the sheet of water.
             Eine milde Brise kräuselt die Fläche des Wassers.
Englisch > Englisch
     1. subst. A thin bed cloth used as a covering for a mattress or as a layer over the sleeper.
     2. subst. A piece of paper, usually rectangular, that has been prepared for writing, artwork, drafting, wrapping, manufacture of packaging (boxes, envelopes, etc.), and for other uses. The word does not include
     3. subst. A flat metal pan, often without raised edge, used for baking.
     4. subst. A thin, flat layer of solid material.
     5. subst. A broad, flat expanse of a material on a surface.
     6. subst. (nautical) A line (rope) used to adjust the trim of a sail.
     7. subst. (nautical, nonstandard) A sail.
     8. subst. (curling) The area of ice on which the game of curling is played.
     9. subst. (nonstandard) A layer of veneer.
     10. subst. (figuratively) Precipitation of such quantity and force as to resemble a thin, virtually solid wall.
     11. subst. (geology) An extensive bed of an eruptive rock intruded between, or overlying, other strata.
     12. subst. (nautical) The space in the forward or after part of a boat where there are no rowers.
           fore sheets; stern sheets
     13. v. To cover or wrap with cloth, or paper, or other similar material.
           Remember to sheet the floor before you start painting.
     14. v. To form into sheets.
     15. v. (intransitive) Of rain, or other precipitation, to pour heavily.
           We couldn't go out because the rain was sheeting down all day long.
     16. v. (nautical) To trim a sail using a sheet.
Deutsch > Englisch
     1. n-n. sheet; bed sheet (linen used to cover mattresses or furniture, or sometimes instead of a blanket)
     2. n-n. (rare) other kinds of linens or large cloths
     3. subst. plural of Lake



The box is covered with a large sheet of paper. 
    Die Schachtel ist von einem großen Blatt Papier zugedeckt.
You are as white as a sheet. 
    Du bist ja weiß wie ein Laken!
On a separate sheet of paper, describe your best friend: age, where he or she lives, his or her job, etc. 
    Beschreibe auf einem separaten Blatt Papier deinen besten Freund: wie alt er ist, wo er wohnt, was er beruflich macht usf.
There's a book, a pencil, and a sheet of paper on the table. 
    Ein Buch, ein Stift und ein Blatt Papier sind auf dem Tisch.
Today there are many things made of sheet metal. 
    Heutzutage gibt es viele Dinge, die aus Blech gemacht sind.

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