Englisch > Deutsch | |
violin | |
1. Substantiv: | |
2. [1] Musik: Violine; aus der Viola da braccio hervorgegangenes Streichinstrument mit flachem Korpus und 4 Saiten, welche in G-D-A-E gestimmt sind | |
[1] I love to play my old violin. | |
Ich liebe es, meine alte Geige zu spielen. | |
Englisch > Englisch | |
violin | |
1. subst. (musical instrument) A musical four-string instrument, generally played with a bow or by plucking the string, with the pitch set by pressing the strings at the appropriate place with the fingers; also |  |
2. subst. (music) A violinist. |  |
The first violin often plays the lead melody lines in a string quartet. |  |
3. v. To play on, or as if on, a violin. |  |
Deutsch > Englisch | |
Geige | |
1. n-f. (musical instruments) violin, fiddle |  |