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Finnish Word of the Day




Finnish > English
     1. v. to drive, ride, travel in a vehicle, transport in a car
           ajaa autoa -- drive a car
           ajaa polkupyörällä -- ride a bike
           rekat ajavat hiekkaa -- the trucks are transporting sand
     2. v. several other forms of movement.
           ajaa kilpaa, ajaa rallia -- race (rally)
           ajaa yhteen -- collide
           ajaa yli -- run over
           ajaa puuhun -- crash into a tree
           ajaa karille -- run aground
           tykistö ajoi asemiin -- artillery took positions
     3. v. to drive away, chase, pursue, expel, deport.
           ajaa tiehensä, ajaa pois -- to chase away
           ajaa takaa -- chase, pursue
     4. v. to herd (animals) in a particular direction.
           ajaa karjaa -- to drive cattle
     5. v. to advocate certain idea
           ajaa jotain asiaa
           ajaa läpi -- to push through
     6. v. to force into a certain state.
           velat ajoivat yrityksen konkurssiin -- the debts bankrupted the company
     7. v. to operate a device
           ydinvoimala ajettiin alas huoltoa varten -- The nuclear power plant was shut down for maintenance.
           ajaa moottori sisään -- to break in an engine
     8. v. to run, execute (a computer program)
     9. v. to shave, cut
           ~ partansa = to shave (one's beard)
           ~ nurmikko = to cut grass.

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