1. s. (obsolete) Any private area, particularly bowers in the open air.
2. s. (now rare) Any private or inner room, particularly:
3. s. (obsolete) A private room used by women to groom and dress themselves.
4. s. (archaic) A private room used for prayer or other devotions.
5. s. (figuratively, archaic) A place of (usually fanciful) contemplation and theorizing.
6. s. (archaic) The private residence or private council chamber of a monarch.
7. s. (obsolete) A pew or side-chapel reserved for a monarch or other feudal lord.
8. s. A private cabinet, particularly:
9. s. (obsolete) One used to store valuables.
10. s. (archaic) One used to store curiosities.
11. s. (now chiefly US) One used to store food or other household supplies: a cupboard.
12. s. (figuratively) A secret or hiding place, particularly the hiding place in English idioms such as in the closet and skeleton in the closet
The closet can be a scary place for a gay teenager.
He's so far in the closet, he can see Narnia.
13. s. (now chiefly Scotland Ireland) Any small room or side-room, particularly:
14. s. (US) One intended for storing clothes or bedclothes.
15. s. (obsolete) (clipping of closet of ease) or later (UK) water closet: a room containing a toilet.
16. s. (heraldry) An ordinary similar to a bar but half as broad.
17. s. (Scotland, obsolete) A sewer.
18. adj. (obsolete) Private.
19. adj. Secret, especially with reference to gay people who are in the closet; closeted.
He's a closet case.
20. v. To shut away for private discussion.
The ambassador has been closeted with the prime minister all afternoon. We're all worried what will be announced when they exit.
21. v. To put into a private place for a secret interview or interrogation.
22. v. To shut up in, or as in, a closet for concealment or confinement.
1. s. Armario, alacena.
1. s. (obsolete) A board or table used to openly hold and display silver plate and other dishware; a sideboard; a buffet.
2. s. (obsolete) Things displayed on a sideboard; dishware, particularly valuable plate.
3. s. A cabinet, closet, or other piece of furniture with shelves intended for storing cookware, dishware, or food; similar cabinets or closets used for storing other items.
Put the cups back into the cupboard.
4. s. (obsolete) Things stored in a cupboard; particularly food.
1. s. A storage closet either separate from, or built into, a wall.
2. s. A cupboard.
3. s. The upright assembly that houses a coin-operated arcade game.
4. s. (historical) A size of photograph, specifically one measuring 3⅞" by 5½".
5. s. A group of advisors to a government or business entity.
6. s. (politics, often, capitalized) In parliamentary and some other systems of government, the group of ministers responsible for creating government policy and for overseeing the departments comprising th
7. s. (archaic) A small chamber or private room.
8. s. (often capitalized) A collection of art or ethnographic objects.
9. s. (dialectal, Rhode Island) Milkshake.
10. s. (obsolete) A hut; a cottage; a small house.
1. s. Armario
1. s. (obsolete) A room for keeping clothes and armor safe, particularly a dressing room or walk-in closet beside a bedroom.
2. s. (figuratively) A governmental office or department in a monarchy which purchases, keeps, and cares for royal clothes.
3. s. (figuratively) The building housing such a department.
4. s. (obsolete) Any closet used for storing anything.
5. s. A room for keeping costumes and other property safe at a theater; a prop room.
6. s. (figuratively) The department of a theater, movie studio, etc which purchases, keeps, and cares for costumes; its staff; its room(s) or building(s).
7. s. A movable cupboard or cabinet designed for storing clothes, particularly as a large piece of bedroom furniture.
8. s. A tall built-in cupboard or closet for storing clothes, often including a rail for coat-hangers, and usually located in a bedroom.
9. s. (figuratively, uncommon) Anything that similarly stores or houses something.
10. s. The contents of a wardrobe: an individual's entire collection of clothing.
11. s. (figuratively) Any collection of clothing.
12. s. (figuratively, uncommon) Any collection of anything.
13. s. (obsolete) A private chamber, particularly one used for sleeping or (euphemism) urinating and defecating.
14. s. (hunting, obsolete) Badger feces, particularly used in tracking game.
15. v. (intransitive) To act as a wardrobe department, to provide clothing or sets of clothes.