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Palabra Inglés del Día




inglés > español
     1. s. Vestido.
     2. s. Particular estilo.
     3. s. Cubierta externa.
     4. adj. Propio o relacionado con el vestido.
     5. adj. Propio o relacionado con una ocasión formal.
     6. adj. Que requiere vestido formal.
     7. Vestir, vestirse.
     8. Ponerse ropa formal
     9. Diseñar o vender vestidos.
     10. Alinear a las tropas
     11. Alinearse con otros
inglés > inglés
     1. s. An item of clothing (usually worn by a woman or young girl) which both covers the upper part of the body and includes skirts below the waist.
           Amy and Mary looked very pretty in their dresses.
     2. s. Apparel, clothing.
           He came to the party in formal dress.
     3. s. The system of furrows on the face of a millstone.
     4. s. A dress rehearsal.
     5. v. (obsolete, reflexive, intransitive) To prepare oneself; to make ready.
     6. v. To adorn, ornament.
           It was time to dress the windows for Christmas again.
     7. v. (nautical) To ornament (a ship) by hoisting the national colours at the peak and mastheads, and setting the jack forward; when "dressed full", the signal flags and pennants are added.
     8. v. To treat (a wound, or wounded person).
     9. v. To prepare (food) for cooking, especially by seasoning it.
     10. v. To fit out with the necessary clothing; to clothe, put clothes on (something or someone).
           He was dressed in the latest fashions.
     11. v. (intransitive) To clothe oneself; to put on clothes.
           I rose and dressed before daybreak.  It's very cold out. Dress warm.
     12. v. (sports) To put on the uniform and equipment necessary to play the game.
           Due to a left ankle sprain, Kobe Bryant did not dress for the game against Indiana
     13. v. (intransitive) Of a man, to allow the genitals to fall to one side or other within the trousers.
           Does sir dress to the right or the left?
     14. v. To prepare for use; to fit for any use; to render suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready.
           to dress leather or cloth;  to dress a garden;  to dress grain, by cleansing it;  in mining and metallurgy, to dress ores, by sorting and separating them
     15. v. To prepare the surface of (a material; usually stone or lumber).
     16. v. To bolt or sift flour.
     17. v. (military, ambitransitive) To arrange in exact continuity of line, as soldiers; commonly to adjust to a straight line and at proper distance; to align. Sometimes an imperative command.
           to dress the ranks
           Right, dress!
     18. v. To break and train for use, as a horse or other animal.
español > inglés
     1. adj. dressed
           vestido de gala - dressed up
           bien vestido - well-dressed
     2. n-m. dress



I love your dress. 
    Me encanta tu vestido.
I shed a tear when I saw the tear in my dress. 
    Derramé una lágrima cuando vi el desgarrón en mi vestido.
I like the red dress more than the blue dress. 
    El vestido rojo me gusta más que el vestido azul.
Who is the girl in the pink dress? 
    ¿Quién es la chica del vestido rosa?
She made me a nice dress. 
    Ella me hizo un vestido maravilloso.

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